Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of BluePrintRegionsAndIncidents

02/16/11 14:38:31 (14 years ago)
Pat Tressel



  • BluePrintRegionsAndIncidents

    v4 v5  
    3333In order to support configuring and selecting regions:
    3434 * Move any region-specific configuration into gis_config.  This currently means:
    35   * A location representing a region (see following).
     35  * A location representing a region (see below).
    3636  * The hierarchy labels, depth, and settings appropriate for that area.
    3737    (Language translation is not sufficient here. E.g we don't have "provinces" and "districts"
    3838    in the US but those are perfectly legal US English words. Different areas also have
    3939    different depths of hierarchy, and different choices about a "strict" hierarchy.)
     40    Hierarchy settings are:
     41   * "Strict" -- specific locations can only be attached to the hierarchy at its maximum level.
     42   * "Parent required" -- specific locations need a parent location selected from the hierarchy.
     43     (This is used to assist forming regions in the absence of boundary data -- see below.)
    4044  * A flag for whether this gis_config represents a region.
    4145  * A label to use on a menu of regions.
    5256   * The generic gis_config.
    5558The "region location" associates specific locations to the region.
    5659There are four main ways a region location can specify this association:
    57  * Specific locations can have the region location as an ancestor.
    58    E.g. the region might be a city.  Specific locations can be assigned a parent in the hierarchy.
     60 * The region location can be in the hierarchy, and specific locations can have
     61   the region location as an ancestor. (E.g. the region might be a city.)
     62   Turning on the "parent required" flag means selecting a parent is mandatory,
     63   which would be appropriate in this case.
     64 * The region location can contain a boundary polygon. Specific locations with
     65   point or polygon data can be tested for overlapping the region polygon.
     66 * The region can specify a point and a radius. Specific locations with point or
     67   polygon data can be tested for overlapping this circle.
     68 * The region location can be a "location group" (a list of locations that are
     69   each appropriate as region locations). (For instance, the region might consist
     70   of several counties in a state.) A specific location is tested against each
     71   of the locations in the group. (This would allow recursion, if we permit a
     72   location group to be a member of a location group. That's not required, though.)
    6074=== Incident discussion ===