= Blue Print Sit Reps = This should be built aorund [wiki:BluePrintEDXL EDXL]-!SitRep * http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php?id=req:live_sitrep_module * http://www.disasterhelp.gov/disastermanagement/library/archive/open/090218EDXL_SitRep.ppt - SIG presentation (February, 18, 2009) * http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/41061/edxl-sitrep-v1.0-wd014.doc - Working Draft 11 (31 December 2010) The textual part could be done using a Wiki widget, such as {{{t2.wiki()}}} Gavin: assessments != sitreps. Assessments are usually related to collecting information form the field to aid decision-making, whilst SitReps include this and more - e.g. they often including the outcomes of the decision-making, what actions have been decided, and the SitRep is used to share the agreed actions and timelines with other organisations. Assessments are generally from the perspective of needs of an affected population, SitReps are presenting the perspective of a specific organisation. ---- BluePrintEDXL