= Volunteer Management Module = Manage staff & volunteers - both ad-hoc & trained rosters == Current Status == * UserGuidelinesVol == Requirements == === IFRC === * BluePrintRoster South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh & India as priority) * Track Volunteer hours spent on projects to report on their value. === Taiwan === * Volunteer availability at recurring times ('every wednesday afternoon'), a period ('this week') & holidays ('not next week') * Closure reports: Who worked on the project & who didn't actually show up, how many hours they worked, lessons learnt. Attach photo(s). === US === * System which can pull in data from multiple in-house systems to allow e.g. Red Cross to see what resources are available within e.g. Salvation Army. * [wiki:BluePrintCERT] == Links == * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/foundation:gsoc_assad GSoC 2010 Project] * [http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoRBs7X1bIUXdE1IaFk0TENVTVkxTGN6V1FjSnlDTmc&hl=en&pli=1#gid=0 Requirements Spreadsheet] * [http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AYRBs7X1bIUXZGZ4dHFuYl8wZ2g1c3Q2bW0&hl=en Requirements Doc] * [http://vol.sahanafoundation.org Sahana Foundation Volunteering site] - we eat our own dogfood to push the system's functionality * [wiki:HaitiVolToDo Haiti Work in-progress] * [http://sahana.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sahana/sahana-phase2/mod/vm/inst/dbcreate.sql?view=markup SQL Schema] for the Trinity-developed PHP version * [http://www.cs.trincoll.edu/hfoss/wiki/User_Guide_for_the_VM_Module User Guide] for the Trinity-developed PHP version Examples of other Volunteer Management Systems: * [http://www.decisionsforheroes.com Decisions for Heroes] * [http://www.hon.org Hands on Nashville] * http://www.volgistics.com/ * http://www.volunteer2.com/ * http://sos.sourceforge.net/ * http://www.volsoft.com/ * http://www.patronsoftware.com/volunteer.asp * http://www.coyotecommunications.com/tech/volmanage.html A lot of the back-end functionality is moving to the [wiki:BluePrintProjectManagement Project Management module]. The Ticketing module can also be accessed from here. ---- BluePrints