= Blueprint for ZeroConf = Provide automatic service discovery so that a group of Netbooks running Sahana can find each other without the need for configuration. Overview: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeroconf Best toolkit to use is probably Apple's Bonjour: * http://developer.apple.com/networking/bonjour * Python interface: http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/fl/research/accessgrid/bonjour-py/bonjour-py.html * Windows licensing agreement: http://developer.apple.com/softwarelicensing/agreements/bonjour.html#bonjourwin Alternatives are: * Microsoft's SSDP (used by [http://www.upnp.org UPnP]): * Python implementations: * http://resnet.uoregon.edu/~gurney_j/jmpc/pymeds.html * http://www.sourcesec.com/2008/11/07/miranda-upnp-administration-tool/ * Java's JINI (now Apache River): * https://jini.dev.java.net/ * This would need us to use Java libs via Jython unless we write our own Python libs! The Open standard, SLP, seems unmaintained: * http://www.openslp.org * http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-slp/ ---- BluePrints