[[TOC]] = Blueprint for LiveCD & Installer = A Live CD (probably based on Ubuntu) that can be used to demo and deploy a Sahana Eden instance. The same CD can be used to build Virtual Machines. We want 4 different builds: * Lite * Normal * GIS * Dev == Lite == Designed to provide a quick LiveCD demo of functionality without needing any installation. Can also be run headless as a simple server to be accessed by host's Web browser & perhaps 1-2 other users on a small LAN. * Python * Rocket (i.e. web2py's native webserver) * Sqlite (i.e. Python's native DB) === Build === {{{ bzr checkout --lightweight -r 2717 lp:~mdipierro/web2py/devel web2py cd web2py/applications bzr checkout --lightweight -r XXX lp:~sahana-eden eden }}} * [ConfigurationGuidelines#FilePermissions File Permissions] * [ConfigurationGuidelines#UsefulAliases Useful Aliases] * [ConfigurationGuidelines#TicketViewer Ticket Viewer] Run with password & NIC bound to real IP (need to work out how to find this out): {{{ python web2py.py -a -i x.x.x.x }}} === Updates === Need a way to keep the system updated easily (web2page?): {{{ cd web2py bzr up -r cd applications/eden bzr up -r }}} == Normal == Designed to be run headless in an office of up to 50 users with poor quality Internet...would be a dedicated machine if a lot of users. * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI Apache/WSGI] * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesMySQL MySQL] (we have better [wiki:PakistanDeploymentCycle#SysadminToDo tools for handling db migrations] currently) or * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesPostgreSQL PostgreSQL] (better for being common to GIS) == GIS == Designed to be run headless in an office of up to 50 users with poor quality Internet...would be a dedicated machine if a lot of users. Useful for the [wiki:BluePrintGISGPSSharing GPS Sharing] tool, for instance. * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesGISData] * [http://live.osgeo.org OSGeo LiveDVD] is based on Ubuntu & includes Data. Eden may be on the next version. * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesApacheModWSGI Apache/WSGI] * PostGIS * !GeoServer * osmosis * Mapnik * DATA * Scripts to download content by geographic area (ideally these would be added to Sahana UI for use outside this environmonet too, but that could come later) * !OpenStreetMap * Contours == Dev == Designed for use in Training sessions where we want to get a number of people on diverse equipment operational quickly. Should include a Desktop & Debugging tools: Eclipse & Firebug This would replace our [InstallationGuidelinesVirtualMachine existing Dev VM]. === Build === {{{ bzr branch -r 2717 lp:~mdipierro/web2py/devel web2py cd web2py/applications bzr branch -r XXX lp:~sahana-eden eden }}} === Updates === 'update' alias {{{ cd web2py bzr pull -r cd applications/eden bzr pull -r }}} == Status == [http://9while9.com Chelsea School] are building these for us based on [http://www.turnkeylinux.org TurnKey Linux] ---- BluePrints