= BluePrints = These are areas of work that need interested developers to tackle. The Blueprints should act as the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirement Requirements] specification for [DeveloperGuidelinesTesting Testers] to work with.[[BR]] This could start with a simple [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_story User Story] (or a full [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_case Use Case])[[BR]] It can then be mocked-up using [http://webstyleguide.com/wsg3/10-forms-and-applications/4-design-process.html Wireframes] We could look at following a [http://behaviour-driven.org/BDDProcess Behaviour-Driven Development] style to formalise requirements whilst still being [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agile_software_development Agile] (e.g. using tools like [http://www.codeplex.com/pyspec pyspec] or [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyFIT/0.8a2 PyFIT]). Joel Spolsky has a good write-up on [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000036.html Why to write Functional Specs] & [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000035.html How] Sahana2 requirements: http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php?id=req:start === Easy Tasks for Beginners === * Have the GPS Coordinate Conversion Tool support negative numbers * Improve UI for Users/Groups * Improve UI for GIS Layer Catalogue (esp FeatureClasses/FeatureGroups) * Port the multi-file upload widget in BVulk Uploader from Ext-2.2.1 to Ext-3.2.1 * Replace the open_module() used by the menu system with something that doesn't use implicit redirects as these take unnecessary resources * Provide localisation of jquery.ui.datepicker * Means that user profile will need extending to support locales michaelhowden working on: * Replace jquery.autocomplete.js with jquery.ui.autocomplete.js (1.8.1) * Replace jquery.cluetip.js with jquery.ui.tooltip.js (1.9 once released) == Framework == * [wiki:BluePrintAppliance Appliance] * [wiki:BluePrintAuthenticationAccess Authentication, Authorization & Accounting] * [wiki:BluePrintBackups Backups] * [wiki:BluePrintBarcode Barcode] * [wiki:BluePrintCSS CSS] * [wiki:BluePrintFramework Framework] * [wiki:BluePrintInternationalisation Internationalisation] * [wiki:BluePrintMobilePortal Mobile Portal] * [wiki:BluePrintOCR OCR] * [wiki:BluePrintReporting Reporting/Charting] * [wiki:BluePrintREST RESTful API] * [wiki:S3XRC_v2 S3XRC] * [wiki:BluePrintSynchronisation Synchronisation] * [wiki:BluePrintTicketing Ticketing] * [wiki:BluePrintVITA VITA Person Entity Model] * [wiki:BluePrintWebSetup Web Setup] * [wiki:BluePrintZeroConf Zero Configuration Networking] * [wiki:BluePrintTime Time] * [wiki:BluePrintMenu Menu] * [wiki:BluePrintImporter Importer] == Modules == * [wiki:BluePrintDecisionMaking Decision Making] based on the Delphi method * [wiki:BluePrintGeographicInformationSystems GIS] * [wiki:BluePrintHospitalManagementSystem Hospital Management System] * [wiki:BluePrintInstantMessaging Instant Messaging] * [wiki:BluePrintInventoryManagement Inventory Management] * [wiki:BluePrintKnowledgeManagement Knowledge Management] * [wiki:BluePrintEmergencyMedicalRecords Medical Records] for Emergencies * [wiki:BluePrintMessagingModule Messaging Module] * [wiki:BluePrintMessagingModuleJ2ME J2ME Client] * [wiki:BluePrintLogistics Logistics Module] * [wiki:BluePrintOrganisationRegistry Organisation Registry / Who's doing What Where and When (4W)] * [wiki:BluePrintPersonRegistry Person Registry] * [wiki:BluePrintFatalityManagement Fatality Management/DVI] * [wiki:BluePrintVictimTrackingTracing Real Time Victim Tracking/Tracing] * [wiki:BluePrintProjectManagement Project Management] * [wiki:BluePrintRequestTracking Request Management] * [wiki:BluePrintSituationAwareness Situation Awareness/Ticketing] * [wiki:BluePrintSitRep Situation Reporting] * [wiki:BluePrintSurveyTool Survey Tool] * [wiki:BluePrintTicketing Ticketing Module] * [wiki:BluePrintUserDashboard User Dashboard] * [wiki:BluePrintVolunteer Volunteer Management] * [wiki:BluePrintHRM Human Resources Management] === Support Tools === * [wiki:BluePrintBzrHooks Bzr Hooks] * [wiki:BluePrintTesting Testing] * [wiki:BluePrintTrac Trac] * [wiki:BluePrintInstallerWindows Windows Installer] * [wiki:BluePrintlivecdinstaller Ubuntu live CD and installer] Ideas from the Fire/Police Emergency Response sector: * http://www.decisionsforheroes.com/ * http://www.e-sponder.com/express/tour/index.html * http://www.swanisland.net/products/ties_web.htm In time we may use this area to provide just the detailed specifications for the [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sahana Blueprints functionality within Launchpad]