= Book = == Sahana Eden - Essential Guide == This book has been imagined to meet the need of three kinds of persons, decision makers looking for an appropriate solution for disaster management, those who are deploying Sahana Eden, and those who are extending Sahana Eden for more specialized solutions or want to contribute to the project. Online version. ''Note this is the most up-to-date version, as it is the source document.'' * http://flossmanuals.net/sahana-eden/ Downloadable versions: * [http://en.flossmanuals.net/_booki/sahana-eden/sahana-eden.pdf PDF] * [http://en.flossmanuals.net/_booki/sahana-eden/sahana-eden.epub EPub] If you want to order a printed version of the book, you can do so at Lulu: * http://www.lulu.com/shop/the-authors/sahana-eden/paperback/product-18745476.html === Letting people know about the book === Link to this page for sharing: * http://bit.ly/sahanaedenbook Sample QR code for including in printed materials: * https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=190x190&cht=qr&chl=http://bit.ly/sahanaedenbook === Updates === The book is editable using [http://booki.flossmanuals.net/sahana-eden/_edit/ Booki]. Note that whilst this is freely open, it should not be treated like a Wiki. The book content should be of a higher quality with complete sentences/paragraphs which flow smoothly as opposed to short notes or lists. Please do help by fixing any spelling/grammar errors in the book, improve the flow and add further clarification where needed. If you want to add new content, use the Wiki for rough notes & then draft new chapters in the 'Hold chapters' section. If you would like to change Sections or add a new Chapter please send an email to the sahana-eden mailing list so that this can be discussed in the community first. The 'Sahana Eden Book Editor' will review edits & [wiki:Book/Editor push updates] to both Floss Manuals & Lulu. To subscribe to see updated Chapters via RSS: * http://booki.flossmanuals.net/feeds/rss/book/sahana-eden/ Technical discussion of the Booki tool, as well as general dicussion on Open Publishing, should be done on the Floss Manuals mailing list: * http://lists.flossmanuals.net/listinfo.cgi/discuss-flossmanuals.net === History === The first version of this book was developed at the [wiki:Event/2011/GoogleDocSprint Google Doc Sprint 17-21 Oct].