Changes between Version 43 and Version 44 of Contribute/QA

11/03/13 03:22:36 (11 years ago)



  • Contribute/QA

    v43 v44  
    88For the purposes of bug reporting tasks for GCI, please make sure that:
    99  * the bug has not already been reported elsewhere (a bug reported generally for Eden or for Red Cross or for Sandy is the same - it should not be reported three times).  Please search through all tickets to see if the bug has already been reported.  If it has, your submission will be marked duplicate and you will not be given credit for reporting it.
     10  * bugs get picked up by the automated testing suite and, because of the quick turnaround, are often fixed without a ticket being raised. So you will also need to check the current Sahana Eden CI Server Test Results to ensure that it isn't reported there.
    1011  * understand that a bug is where the system is not performing as designed.  We have received many suggestions for how it should be designed - and these are all valuable - but feature request are not bugs.  If the system is performing as designed, but not how you'd like it to work, it is not a bug.  A bug will generate a ticket or error message from the system.  We are creating a new category for usability enhancements (4 will be required) to capture these, because they are valuable, but much easier to find than bugs.
    3839=== Review Open Tickets in Sahana Eden's Bug Tracker ===
    3940We want to find out if old bug reports and old feature requests are still relevant.
    40 1. Select a ticket from the list of [report/1 Active Tickets] that hasn't been reviewed already during GCI 2012, and wasn't reported during GCI 2012.
    41 1. Review that the the bug that it describes still occurs, or that the feature that it describes has not been implemented and is still relevant.
    42 1. Update the ticket:
    43  1. If the description is unclear, add a better description.
    44  1. If there are several issues in the ticket, say which ones are still broken.
    45  1. Get screenshots if they're useful.
    46  1. Add anything else you think would be helpful.
    47  1. Add "Reviewed for GCI" so people know this one is done.
     411. Select *three* tickets from the list of [report/1 Active Tickets] that haven't been reviewed already during GCI 2013, and wasn't reported during GCI 2013. For each ticket:
     42 1. Review that the the bug that it describes still occurs, or that the feature that it describes has not been implemented and is still relevant.
     43 1. Update the ticket:
     44  1. If the description is unclear, add a better description.
     45  1. If there are several issues in the ticket, say which ones are still broken.
     46  1. Get screenshots if they're useful.
     47  1. Add anything else you think would be helpful.
     48  1. Add "Reviewed for GCI 2013" so people know this one is done.
    4950=== Write Manual Test Cases for a Sahana Eden Module ===
    5455Following this documentation: run the automated tests on your own systems:
    5556* Improve the documentation to add in any missing steps to set up the Automated Tests, or make it clearer for other users.
     57* Register to the Sahana Eden CI Server Test Results which runs these tests daily.
    5658* If the tests fail - manually repeat the test.
    5759 * If the manual test passes, this is a false negative and you should attempt to fix the test
    6264=== Create An Automated Tests for  a Test Scripts from the Sahana Eden Tests Spreadsheet ===
    6365Find 2 test cases in the [ Sahana Eden Tests] spreadsheet (Test Scripts sheet) which have not been automated and create automated tests for them. Also check in the {{{eden/modules/tests/<module>/}}} folder to see if there are any automated tests created. Follow the instructions on DeveloperGuidelines/Testing. Update the spreadsheet with the status, your initials or name and date.
    6467=== Complete an Automated Tests for a Sahana Eden Module ===
    6568The following Tests have been started, but have not yet been completed. These have been written, but the syntax used in these tests is not corrected and needs to be fixed. You will need to used selenium commands to select elements to run the tests instead of the {{{create}}} function in {{{eden/modules/tests/}}}. Follow the instructions on DeveloperGuidelines/Testing to complete these tests, ensure that they run correctly and add them to the suite.