= Bosnian Floods = 2 instances currently: * http://eden.etf.unsa.ba/eden - managed by Ernedin Zajko (ezajko on IRC) * http://poplave-bih.tklapp.com/eden (Temp Demo site) Requested by [http://www.cbbh.ba/?lang=en Central Bank] to distribute relief supplies Localised into Bosnian by [http://etf.unsa.ba University of Sarajevo] coordinated by Samir Ribić (megaribi on IRC): * http://pootle.sahanafoundation.org/bs/eden/ * https://translations.launchpad.net/bosnianuniversetranslation/trunk/+pots/sahana-eden/ Locations formatted for import: * [wiki:GIS/Data#BosniaandHerzegovina] == See Also == Ushahidi instances: * http://mapapoplava.zastone.ba * http://www.poplave.rs HOT activation: * http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2014_Southeast_Europe_floods