21 | | We can use help from: |
22 | | * [wiki:Domain Domain] Experts and Users |
23 | | * [wiki:BluePrint/Guidelines Write BluePrints] for your ideas, features and requirement. |
24 | | * [wiki:Develop Developers] |
25 | | * [wiki:Projects] to start work on |
26 | | * [wiki:BluePrint BluePrints] to develop into Projects |
27 | | * [DeveloperGuidelines Developer Guidelines] |
28 | | * [TestCases Testers] |
29 | | * [BugReportingGuidelines Bug Reporting Guidelines] |
| 26 | Or go ahead and pick one of our [http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/report/18 Easy Bugs] to fix |
| 27 | |
| 28 | We can always use help from: |
| 29 | * [wiki:Develop Developers] |
| 30 | * [BluePrints Blueprints] - functionality that we are in the process of implementing |
| 31 | * [DeveloperGuidelines Developer Guidelines] |
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| 40 | * [wiki:GIS GIS Specialists] |
| 41 | |
| 42 | Feel free to come talk to us on either: |
| 43 | * [wiki:Chat] |
| 44 | * [wiki:MailingList Mailing List] |