= Welcome to Sahana Eden = Sahana Eden is an Emergency Development Environment - an [wiki:Licence Open Source] framework to rapidly build powerful applications for coordinating preparations for & response to disasters. * [wiki:What What is Sahana Eden?] * [wiki:Use Want to Use Sahana Eden?] * [wiki:Develop Want to help Develop Sahana Eden?] == Upcoming Events == * [https://sites.google.com/site/sahanatw/home Sahana Taiwan Conference] & Training: Taipei 30th July - 4th August * [http://gracehopper.org/2010/conference/open-source-track/#session6 Grace Hopper Celebration]: Atlanta 30th September == News == * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/community:sahanacamp SahanaCamp]: Delhi, 2nd-5th July * Released [https://launchpad.net/sahana-eden/+milestone/0.4.7 Milestone 0.4.7] * [wiki:GSOC2010ProjectIdeas Google Summer of Code 2010] [wiki:Help Help] | [wiki:FrequentlyAskedQuestions FAQ] | [wiki:TitleIndex Index] [[TranslatedPages]] [[TranslatedPages]]