= Sahana Eden Project = [[TOC]] == [wiki:What What is Sahana Eden?] == * Sahana Eden is an Open Source Humanitarian Platform which can be used to provide solutions for Disaster Management, Development, and Environmental Management sectors. * Open Source means that it is easily Customisable, Extensible and Free. * It is supported by the [http://sahanafoundation.org Sahana Software Foundation]. * Try it now on our [http://demo.eden.sahanafoundation.org Demo Site] [wiki:What more...] == [wiki:Use Want to Use Sahana Eden?] == * [InstallationGuidelines Installation Guidelines] * [wiki:Book] * [UserGuidelines User Guidelines] [wiki:Use more...] == [wiki:Contribute Want to Contribute to Sahana Eden?] == We can always use help from: * [wiki:Develop Developers] * [BluePrint Blueprints] - functionality that we are in the process of implementing * [DeveloperGuidelines Developer Guidelines] * [wiki:Testing Testers] * [BugReportingGuidelines Bug Reporting Guidelines] * Bug Marshals * Newsletter Report Writers * Documenters * [UserGuidelinesLocalisation Translators] * [wiki:Design Designers] * [wiki:SysAdmin] * [wiki:GIS GIS Specialists] If you want to get started straight away you can pick a task to work on: * [Contribute/Code Code Tasks] * [Contribute/Documentation Documentation Tasks] * [Contribute/Outreach Outreach Tasks] * [wiki:Contribute/QA Quality Assurance (QA) Tasks] * [wiki:Contribute/UI User Interface (UI) Tasks] Or go ahead and pick one of our [http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/report/18 Easy Bugs] to fix [wiki:Contribute more...] == Contact == You can get in touch with the Sahana Eden Community immediately though our IRC [wiki:Chat] or via the [wiki:MailingList Mailing List]. We will normally get back to you within 24 hours. == Upcoming Events == * [Events/2013/OHI Open Humanitarian Initiative] - working on Syria crisis == News == * Sahana has been accepted again for [wiki:Event/2013/GSoC Google Summer of Code 2013] * NYCTechResponds Hackathon - working on issues for Sandy relief * RHoK 2012 - Atlanta team working on Sahana * [wiki:Event/2012/GCI Google Code-In 2012] * Supporting efforts for the Relief of Survivors of [wiki:Deployments/Sandy Hurricane Sandy] * [wiki:Event/2012/GHC Grace Hopper Open Source Day] - Baltimore, MD, USA - October 6 * [http://www.h4d2.eu H4D2] - Birmingham, UK - September 21-23 * [wiki:Event/2012/GSoC Google Summer of Code] - Sahana was a mentoring Org again for 2012 * [http://www.sfu.ca/~iscram12/tutorialsworkshops.html ISCRAM 2012] - Vancouver, CA, April 22-25 * [wiki:Event/2012/Sahanathon Sahanathon] - Virtual, March 23-25 * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelines/Git We've migrated to Git] * [wiki:Event/2011/GCI Google Code-In 2011] * [Deployments/Bombeiros#Workshop Emergency Management Platforms 2011] - Oporto, Portugal, Dec 8-10 * [wiki:BluePrintCERT/RHoK2011 RHok 2011] - Sahana wins in Austin, TX! * [wiki:Event/2011/GHC Grace Hopper Celebration 2011] - Portland, USA * [http://sahanafoundation.org/report-on-sahanacamp-la/ SahanaCamp LA] * [wiki:Book BookSprint] - Sahana Eden - Essential Guide [wiki:OldNews more...] [wiki:Help Help] | [wiki:FrequentlyAskedQuestions FAQ] | [wiki:TitleIndex Index]