= Welcome to !SahanaPy = This is a ground-up rewrite of Sahana to retain all the great functionality & usability whilst ensuring a solid foundation for future enhancements by a diverse community of development groups. The current Sahana is based on design principles which have since become sub-optimal due to the emergence of new Rapid Application Development frameworks & higly-interactive Web 2.0 UIs. The current codebase has grown organically since it was originally designed - this has meant that standards have broken down & the code is becoming harder to maintain & add new functionality to. See the [wiki:FrequentlyAskedQuestions FAQ] for more detailed reasoning. If you want access to be able to work on this Wiki, then please ask Fran, Ajay, Dominic or Tim for assistance :) Enjoy! [[BR]] ''The !SahanaPy Team'' == News == * IRC meeting: http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AQESuewSG-woZGNydjRjbmpfNzJjZ3I1Z2pnYg&hl=en_GB * Participated in [http://socghop.appspot.com/org/home/google/gsoc2009/sahana Google Summer of Code 2009] * We had a [wiki:FOSSkriti Hackfest at FOSSkriti] === Useful Links === * [[http://demo.sahanapy.org Live Demo]] * InstallationGuidelines * BluePrints - areas of work that need interested developers to tackle * DeveloperGuidelines * UserGuidelines - User guidelines on using the [[http://demo.sahanapy.org SahanaPy]] Disaster Management System * [[http://www.sahana.lk/chat IRC Chat]] - talk to other developers real-time * [[http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php?id=dev:mailing_list_policy Mailing Lists]] - talk to other developers asynchronously * [[http://wiki.sahana.lk Sahana Wiki]] - useful to see how the modules work from a user perspective * TracGuide * WikiFormatting * [wiki:TitleIndex Index] [[TranslatedPages]]