[[TOC]] = Welcome to Sahana Eden = Sahana Eden is an Emergency Development Environment - a framework to rapidly build powerful applications for Emergency Management. If you want access to be able to work on this Wiki, then please ask for assistance :) Enjoy! [[BR]] ''[wiki:TheSahanaPyTeam The Sahana Eden Team]'' == News == * Project has a name: Eden * [wiki:WorkOutIdeas WorkOut Ideas] * [wiki:GSOC2010ProjectIdeas GSOC 2010 Project Ideas] * Released [https://launchpad.net/s3/+milestone/0.4 Milestone 0.4 "Crane"] * Working on [wiki:Haiti Haiti Emergency Response] == Useful Links == * [wiki:FrequentlyAskedQuestions FAQ] * [[http://demo.sahanapy.org Live Demo]] * InstallationGuidelines * UserGuidelines - Manual for end-users * [wiki:Licence Licence] * DeveloperGuidelines * BluePrints - areas of work that need interested developers to tackle * TestCases - User Testing - List of things to test * [[http://www.sahana.lk/chat IRC Chat]] - talk to other developers real-time * Eden Channel: #sahana-py * Logs: [http://logs.sahanapy.org/sahana] * [[http://groups.google.com/group/sahanapy Mailing List]] - talk to other developers asynchronously * [http://translate.hfoss.eu Sahana Localisation Project] * TracGuide * WikiFormatting * [wiki:TitleIndex Index] [[TranslatedPages]]