
Version 2 (modified by Fran Boon, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Bombeiros are volunteer firefighters in Portugal.

They tried Eden during a simulation which became a real incident & added value immediately , straight out of the box!

See attached document for a testimonial from the head of the Porto brigade.

We are helping them with a simulation in December

TETRA radios are carried by vehicles & personnel. These broadcast GPS location which can be output from the receiver as a CSV file:

<apocsantos> id;lat;log;speed
<apocsantos> the file name is the date (now) + equipment id
<apocsantos> 20111013130311111
<apocsantos> 20111013 is the date
<apocsantos> 1303 firedepartment code
<apocsantos> 11111 the id of the radio
<apocsantos> in this case is the id of the command and control vehicle

We can have a script move this file & then import it (so that each import contains no duplicates to clean laboriously).

We can import to the Trackable super-entity (sit_trackable) since that is common to both people & vehicles (assets)....we need to copy the GPS_id from the vehicle resource to the super_entity/person/asset.

We need a lookup for the instance_types since this isn't held in the raw CSV file.

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