= Deployments = This is a list of some of the known deployments of Sahana Eden, both currently-active & historical. If you are deploying or planning to deploy Sahana Eden see the [Deployments/Guidelines Deployments Guidelines] for instructions to add your own deployment page. == Current == * [wiki:Deployments/DRRProjectPortal DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) Project Portal] * [[wiki:Deployments/EVHAC|EUROSHA]] * [wiki:Deployments/IFRC IFRC] - International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies * City of Los Angeles: Donation & Volunteer Management ([http://la.aidiq.com Demo]) * [wiki:Deployments/US/ARCSC American Red Cross, Southern California] * [wiki:BluePrintCERT CERT] * City of New York: Office of Emergency Management * [https://pl.nlm.nih.gov/ People Locator Project]: US National Library of Medicine * [http://www.helios-foundation.org/cbha-project HELIOS Foundation] - CBHA Objective 2 * [wiki:Deployments/Portugal/Bombeiros Portugal: Firefighters] * [wiki:Deployments/Portugal/PenedaGeres Portugal: Peneda-GerĂªs National Park] * [wiki:Deployments/Nepal/ClimateChange Nepal: Climate Change Portal] for Department of Meteorology & Hydrology * [wiki:Deployments/Philippines Philippines] * [wiki:Deployments/Philippines/RGIMS Relief Goods Inventory & Monitoring System] for Department of Social Welfare & Development * [wiki:Deployments/Philippines/Haiyan Haiyan] - response to Typhoon Haiyan * [wiki:Taiwan Taiwan] - Preparedness for Typhoons & Earthquakes * [wiki:Deployments/Timor/NDMD Timor-Leste: Disaster Risk Management Portal] for National Disaster Management Directorate * [wiki:Deployments/TzuChi Tzu Chi] == Historic == * [wiki:Deployments/Sandy Hurricane Sandy] (2012) * [Deployments/AssamRelief Assam Relief] (2012) * [wiki:Deployments/ChileanWildfires Chilean Wildfires Deployment] (2012) * [wiki:Deployments/Japan2011 Japan Tsunami Deployment] (2011) * [wiki:Deployments/TohokuEarthquakeTsunami Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami] (2011) * [wiki:GDSIndia Grameen Development Services India] - Preparedness for Flood Response (2010) * [wiki:Haiti Haiti] - Earthquake Response (2010) * [wiki:Pakistan Pakistan - Floods Response] (2010) * Chengdu-Sitzuan Earthquake (2008) * Kashmir Earthquake (2005) * Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004) * Humanity Road == Sahana Foundation Software Deployments == * [http://sahanafoundation.org/about-us/deployments/ Official Write-ups of Sahana Software Foundation Deployments] * [http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/deployments:start List of all Sahana Software Deployments] ---- See: * Deployments/Guide