= Want to help Develop Sahana Eden? = Sahana Eden is an Emergency Development ENvironment - an [wiki:Licence Open Source] framework to rapidly build powerful applications for coordinating preparations for & response to disasters. We are an active community of Humanitarian FOSS developers from around the world - if you wish to join us then you'll be made to feel very welcome :) To get started, you should: 1. Sign up to the MailingList. 2. [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper Install a Developer Environment] 3. If you're a begineer, look at the [wiki:ProjectInformation#BasicCodingProjects Basic Coding Projects List] 3. If you're an experienced programmer, look at the [wiki:ProjectInformation#AdvancedCodingProjects Advanced Coding Projects List] 4. Read through the [DeveloperGuidelines Developer Guidelines] 5. Join us on [wiki:Chat Real-time IRC Chat]