Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of DeveloperGuidelines/DataTables

06/04/11 15:03:14 (14 years ago)



  • DeveloperGuidelines/DataTables

    v1 v1  
     1= !DataTables =
     2== Introduction ==
     3Sahana Eden uses the !JavaScript library !DataTables to display results returned from the database. The !DataTables library provides a lot of properties and functions that customise the table that is produced. Sahana Eden doesn't expose all of the functionality that is available within the !DataTables library this makes it easy to get !DataTables up and running and it also ensures a consistent look and feel. However, it is possible to customise the !DataTables through the Sahana Eden framework.
     4== Properties ==
     5A number of properties are set by the framework and rarely need to be changed. These have been marked in the following table as '''auto'''. Some properties are set with a default value, the default value (and where it is set) is indicated in the table below:
     6||= Eden Name =||= Purpose =||= Value =||= Remarks =||
     7|| dataTableSelectable || If set this allows the rows to be selected. || Boolean || This is set up as a property of response.s3 ||
     8|| actions || The list of action buttons to be displayed in the first column. || List of actions. Each action is a dictionary values. And consists of the label, the HTML class and the URL. Optionally it may also include a restrict list that restricts these buttons to being displayed to just the ids on the list. || This is set up as a property of response.s3 ||
     9|| dataTableID \\'''auto''' || The HTML id that will be used to identify this table || String \\default value 'list' || Set up using s3mgr.configure in the pre-processing ||
     10|| dataTable_iDisplayLength \\'''auto''' || The number of rows to be displayed on a page || Integer || Confusion... dataTable_iDisplayLength and iDisplayLength ||
     11|| no_sspag \\'''auto''' || This will turn off pagination || Boolean || Pagination is the default and nothing needs to be done to enable it. ||
     12|| sortby || This will do an initial sort on the selected column or columns || list of sorting rules. The sorting rules are a list that comprises of the column number followed by the sort direction || default value ![[1,'asc']] ||
     13|| dataTable_sDom \\'''auto''' || This defines where the controls of the !DataTable will be positioned || String explained in the !DataTables documentation || default value 'fril<"dataTable_table"t>pi' See for more information ||
     14|| dataTable_sPaginationType || This defines what controls are displayed to allow the user to page through the records || String either 'two_button' or 'full_numbers' \\default value 'full_numbers' || ||
     15|| dataTableDisplay || This can be used to change how a cell displays the text || List of translations. Each translation is a dictionary item and consists of the column number, the value to look for and its replacement ||
     16|| dataTableStyleDisabled || This can be used to give a style to represent disabled text || list of ids to apply this style || This adds the class 'disable' to the tr element ||
     17|| dataTableStyleAlert || This can be used to give a style to represent an alert condition for the row || list of ids to apply this style || This adds the class 'alert' to the tr element ||
     18|| dataTableStyleWarning || This can be used to give a style to represent a warning condition for the row || list of ids to apply this style || This adds the class 'warning' to the tr element ||
     20== Example ==
     21=== Adding Buttons ===
     22=== Adding Buttons conditionally ===
     23=== Changing the displayed text ===
     24=== Sorting by a selected column ===
     25=== Filter Rows ===
     26=== Selecting Rows ===
     27=== Highlighting Rows ===
     28=== Highlighting Cells ===