== Help for Developers Migrating from Sahana2 == '''Note: As of January 2012, BZR/Launchpad info for eden is deprecated. Please visit the GitHub page. Thanks.'''[[BR]] From PHP to Web2Py: * http://web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/106 From CVS to Bzr: * http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForCVSUsers === Files Layout === A mapping of where functionality used to be vs where it is now: {{{inst/mysql-dbcreate.sql}}}[[BR]] {{{inst/mysql-dbcreate.sql}}}[[BR]] {{{conf/sysconf.inc}}}[[BR]] * Model ({{{models/*.py}}}) {{{www/res}}} * {{{/static}}} {{{inc/lib_form.inc}}} * {{{models/01_crud.py}}} === Options fields === Sahana2 has a generic 'field_options' table for storing Options fields. Sahana3 uses a separate table for each lookup list. ---- DeveloperGuidelines