[[TOC]] = Developer Guidelines = === Development Process === * [wiki:Domain Understanding the Domain] * [wiki:DeveloperGuideline/Tutorial Tutorial] * [wiki:Projects] * '''[wiki:BluePrints BluePrints]''' * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesTesting Testing] * TestCases - User Testing - List of things to test * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesUsability Usability] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesCodeConventions Code Conventions] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesOptimisation Optimisation] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesReleaseProcess Release Process] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesDataMigration Data Migration] === Development Enviroment === * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper How to install a Development Enviroment] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesBzr Using Bzr] Version Control * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesBzr#HowtogetyourworkMergedintoTrunk How to get your work Merged into Trunk] === Framework === * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesS3Framework Sahana Eden Framework: S3] * [wiki:S3 S3 Developer Guide] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesNewModule How to add a new Module?] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesGIS GIS] - Mapping * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesSVG SVG] - Charts * [http://web2py.com/book Web2py Book] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesSahana2Migration Help for Developers Migrating from Sahana PHP] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesDjangoMigration Help for Developers Migrating from Django] === User Interface === * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesCSS CSS] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesThemes Themes] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesInternationalisation Internationalization] === Other Resources === * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesTips Tips] - useful links to explore * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesArchitecture Architecture] * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesDocumentation Documentation] == Python == Indentation matters (use 4 spaces instead of Tabs) * http://diveintopython.org * http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/ * http://software-carpentry.org * Python v2 documentation: http://docs.python.org/ (We are currently using v2.5 or v2.6.) * Style Guide: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ * lxml (XML I/O): http://codespeak.net/lxml/tutorial.html More details at: DeveloperGuidelinesCodeConventions == Web2Py == This is an [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-view-controller MVC] environment (like [http://web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/103 Rails] & [http://web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/101 Django]. [http://vimeo.com/6507384 Django polls tutorial conversion course]). Web2Py can work at several different levels of abstraction.[[BR]] The Sahana Eden framework (S3) is built on Web2Py's !Auth/Crud classes in {{{tools.py}}} (with some remnants of the older T2), however sometimes we need more control therefore need to drop down a level or two.[[BR]] * http://web2py.com/examples/default/docs (recommend the 'New Cookbook' as well as the [http://web2py.com/book official book]) Recommend using the CLI to try out code snippets in the Web2Py environment (gluon, Model): {{{ python web2py.py -S eden -M }}} Can execute a controller to be able to access its functions using: {{{ execfile("applications/eden/controllers/mycontroller.py", globals()) }}} Web2Py can be extended through [http://www.web2py.com/plugins Plugins] & also has a [http://web2pyslices.com recipes site]. == Javascript == * W3Schools' basic JS: http://www.w3schools.com/js/ * jQuery is used for client-side business logic (hiding fields, opening up tabs, etc): * Tutorial 1: http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:How_jQuery_Works * Tutorial 2: http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Getting_Started_with_jQuery * Main reference: http://docs.jquery.com * We use some plugins: http://plugins.jquery.com * & some Widgets: http://jqueryui.com * ExtJS is used for some advanced widgets: * http://extjs.com/learn/Tutorial:Introduction_to_Ext_2.0 * http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/grid/row-editor.html * API: http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/docs/ * S3 includes a cross-browser debug utility (only shows up when ?debug=1): {{{ s3_debug('message', value); }}} All global variables should be in the S3 namespace: * http://yuiblog.com/blog/2006/06/01/global-domination/ The Module Pattern should be used to protect private variables: * http://yuiblog.com/blog/2007/06/12/module-pattern/ * http://www.adequatelygood.com/2010/3/JavaScript-Module-Pattern-In-Depth === Deployment === Browsers default to only downloading 2 files from the same origin at a time, so many files is very slow on high latency links. We therefore consolidate into fewer, larger files when running in Production mode. Since GIS is a specialised app which requires many files, it's JS is loaded separately when required. The build script is {{{static/scripts/tools/build.sahana.py}}} There is also a convenience wrapper for Windows to run this & also move results into their respective locations: {{{static/scripts/tools/build.cmd}}} You must have an internet connection to run the build script unless you have a local version of the Compiler. Need to remove the '@' from '@requires' in header of {{{/static/scripts/S3/jquery.form.js}}} as we need to compress this without the main file. Our build process is based on the one used by !OpenLayers * http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Profiles This uses Google's Closure compiler to compress the JS. This is done using their web service, however for !OpenLayers itself we need to download the jar file & place in the tools folder since this is over 1Mb: * http://closure-compiler.googlecode.com/files/compiler-latest.zip !ToDo: Investigate using other options instead: * http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/ * http://www.crowproductions.de/repos/main/public/packer/jspacker.py !ToDo: Download/execute scripts asynchronously: * http://headjs.com/ * http://labjs.com * http://requirejs.org == Mobile == * [wiki:MobileAndroid Android] - Developer Guidelines for the Android client