== Python ==
- Slow start
- Quick start
- v.Quick start!
- Indentation matters (use 4 spaces instead of Tabs)
- OOP - everything is an object
== Web2Py ==
This is an MVC environment (like Rails & Django).
=== Model ===
Defines databases in: {{{/models/}}} (equivalent of {{{inst/mysql-dbcreate.sql}}})
The Models are loaded 1st within Web2Py processing, before the controllers.
So you can import any global modules/set any global variables here.
The Models are imported in alphabetical order, so we load the files which other modules depend on 1st, hence naming them with an underscore: {{{}}}, {{{}}}
=== Controller ===
Python functions in {{{/controllers/}}}
def list_records():
return dict (list=list)
=== View ===
HTML/Javascript templates in {{{/views/module/function.html}}}
* these are normal HTML/JS files with the ability to add in Python code (e.g. variables) surrounded by brackets: {{ interpreted python here }}
* there should be an .html file available for each function in the module (name normally being the same as the function)
* these normally inherit from {{{views/layout.html}}} which also includes the Javascript from {{{views/web2py_ajax_t2.html}}}
* if there is no view defined then a default view will be displayed, which will show the values of all the data it can see, but not be formatted nicely
CSS/Javascript files are stored in {{{/static}}} (equivalent of {{{www/res}}})
== T2 ==
This plugin is used for [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesAuthenticationAccess AAA] & simplified [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesCreateReadUpdateDelete CRUD] (inc Conflict Detection)
We extend the T2 class in {{{modules/}}}
=== Conflict Detection ===
Sahana is a multi-user system so there is a potential for multiple users to be editing the same record at once.
Add this field to each table which needs protecting (in {{{models/}}}):
SQLField('modified_on','datetime'), # Used by T2 to do edit conflict-detection
This field is also used in [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesDatabaseSynchronization Database Synchronization]
== Sahana3 Framework ==
These are the bits that we use on top of Web2Py to give the Sahana look & feel:
Populate the side navigation Menus by adding this to each controller:
# Current Module (for sidebar title)
# List Modules (from which to build Menu of Modules)
# List Options (from which to build Menu for this Module)
options=db(db['%s_menu_option' % module].enabled=='Yes').select(db['%s_menu_option' % module].ALL,orderby=db['%s_menu_option' % module].priority)
Each function needs to return these values to the view:
return dict(module_name=module_name,modules=modules,options=options)
List output can be made more functional by this .represent 'widget':
def shn_list_item(table,resource,action,display='',extra=None):
if extra:
return DIV(*items)
You can use it in {{{models/}}} like:
db.or_organisation.represent=lambda table:shn_list_item(table,resource='organisation',action='display')
db.person.represent=lambda table:shn_list_item(table,resource='person',action='display',display='table.full_name')
db.gis_projection.represent=lambda table:shn_list_item(table,resource='projection',action='display',extra='table.epsg')
Form labels can be set in a translatable manner using:
Form field can be made to use a TEXTAREA by marking the field as being type 'text':
Form field can be made to use a SELECT dropdown by setting the field as a lookup to another table...linked to the 'uuid' field to allow [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesDatabaseSynchronization Database Synchronization], but displaying a more user-friendly field (such as 'name'):
Form field being required can be marked using:
Help for a form field can be set using:
{{{A(SPAN("[Help]"),_class="popupLink",_id="tooltip",_title=T("Help Title|This is what this field is for."))}}}
Different Flash styles can be set via:
session.error=T("Unsupported format!")
or (in a Multiple Table form.accepts):
response.error=T("Form invalid!")
Supported styles are:
* .warning
* .error
* .information
* .confirmation (Standard T2 Flash messages are usually of this sort so we class them in the same way)
=== jQuery Widgets ===
=== Options fields ===
Sahana2 has a generic 'field_options' table for storing Options fields.
Sahana3 uses a separate table for each lookup list.
== How to add a new Module? ==
== Web Services ==
== GIS ==
[wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesGIS DeveloperGuidelinesGIS]
== Testing ==
== Using Bzr ==
== How to update Web2Py?==
* Backup the old Web2Py folder
* Install new Web2Py folder
* Copy the 'sahana' folder from Backup to Live
* For some updates, may want to merge updates from
* {{{/welcome/views/layout.html}}} to {{{/sahana/views/layout_default.html}}}
* {{{/welcome/static/styles.css}}} to {{{/sahana/static/styles/styles_default.html}}}
* {{{/static to}}} {{{/sahana/static/styles/media}}}
* (optional) patches to make admin/dev easier:
* {{{/applications/admin/web2py_ajax.html}}} : {{{$(document).ready(function() { collapse('static_inner');}}}
* {{{/welcome/views/default/index.html}}} :
[ Sahana
| Database
| Design
| Site ]
NB T2 is currently updated separately:
* Download latest T3 (which is where T2 is currently maintained)
* copy {{{}}} to {{{/sahana/modules}}}
* For some updates, may want to merge updates from
* {{{web2py_ajax.html}}} to {{{/sahana/views/web2py_ajax_t2.html}}}
* {{{/static}}} to {{{/sahana/static/scripts}}},{{{/sahana/static/styles}}},{{{/sahana/static/styles/media}}}, {{{sahana/static/img/web2py}}}
=== Translations of this page ===
* [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesDE Deutsch]