Version 56 (modified by 11 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
How to add a new module?
The Eden Book has a tutorial for adding a new module. However, it is simplified from the normal way modules are included in Eden. Especially, the model file differs.
Add your module to settings.modules in private/templates/<template>/
if it is for a specific template.
Add it to private/templates/default/
to provide an example of how your module should be entered in settings.modules.
Create a file modules/s3db/<MODULE NAME>.py
Add an import statement to models/
import s3db.<MODULE NAME>
For each major "resource" in your module, add a class that is a subclass of S3Model. The class must define a model() method that defines the tables for that resource. The class can define multiple tables, for other resources associated with the major resource. For instance, if you have a major resource representing a vehicle, you might want a table to represent types of vehicles, so users can add new types without changing the code. The main table for specific vehicles and the table for types can go in the same model class.
To avoid namespace clashes, use your module name as a prefix for table names. Follow with underscore and the name of the resource your table represents: <MODULE NAME>_<RESOURCE>. Resource names should be unique.
E.g. if building a Vehicle Management System with module name vms, with individual vehicles and vehicle types:
__all__ = ["S3VehicleModel", "vms_vehicle", "vms_vehicle_type", ] class S3VehicleModel(S3Model): """ Vehicle Management """ names = ["vms_vehicle", "vms_vehicle_type", ] def model(self): T = current.T db = current.db tablename = "vms_vehicle_type" represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename) table = s3db.define_table(tablename, Field("name", requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), *s3_meta_fields()) tablename = "vms_vehicle" represent = S3Represent(lookup=tablename) table = s3db.define_table(tablename, Field("name", requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY() ), Field("type", requires=IS_ONE_OF(db, "", represent), ) *s3_meta_fields())
Create a file: /controllers/<MODULE NAME>.py
Add CRUD functions for your tables:
module = request.controller def vehicle(): "RESTful CRUD controller" resource = request.function return s3_rest_controller(module, resource)
Additional options are described here: s3_rest_controller
Add a menu:
# Options Menu (available in all Functions' Views) response.menu_options = [ [T("Home"), False, URL(f="index")], [T("Add Vehicle"), False, URL(f="vehicle", args="create")], [T("List Vehicles"), False, URL(f="vehicle")], [T("Search Vehicles"), False, URL(f="vehicle", args="search")] ]
Add HTML templates for any custom functions: /views/<MODULE NAME>/<FUNCTION NAME>.html
NB Only index.html
is required to start with since the RESTful controller normally re-uses standard views.
If Custom Views are wanted they are detected automatically if files are found in /views/<MODULE NAME>/<RESOURCE>_<METHOD>.html