DeveloperGuidelines = Testing = "A bug is a test case you haven't written yet" [[BR]] "Unit Tests allow merciless [ refactoring]" Test-Driven Development is a programming styles which says that you 1st write your test cases (from the [BluePrints specs]) & then proceed to make them pass. There are a huge number of Testing Tools available to cover the various parts of the Testing process: * * ---- Testing that Developers should be doing: == Unit Tests (must do) == Building the Code Right * These should be written by the developers * Doc Tests - inline with code: Agile Documentation * * Web2Py supports running doctests on Controllers from the admin UI, e.g.: * UnitTest] (formerly [ PyUnit]) * * [ Nose] - a discovery-based unittest extension == Continuous Integration == Whenever a commit is made it should be checked to see that it doesn't break anything * [ Patch Queue Manager] - integrates with Bzr * [ Bitten] - integrates with Trac Alternate options which could be investigated: * * == Regression Testing == Fired by dev after certain number of changes or whenever they like. * * Case Study: * [ PyLint] * == Documentation == As well as writing !DocStrings in all functions, we can generate an overall API using: * If writing a separate manual then we can use: * ---- Testing that Testers should be doing: == Boundary Testing (should do) == Checks functionality of modules against [BluePrints specs]: Building the Right Code This sees the application as a black box & so the same tests could be run here against both the Python & PHP versions, for instance. Functional tests can be written using: * [ Selenium] * [ JMeter] This is done by the Testers who accept the Code as a result. Could use something like [ Fitnesse] or [ Rspec] to provide testable specs == Integration Testing (good thing) == We depend on various 3rd-party components so we need to ensure that as these components are upgraded this doesn't break any of out functionality: * Web2Py * !CherryPy * SimpleJSON * T2 * !OpenLayers * jQuery * Ext == Usability Tests == * [ UI Guidelines] - comments on UI issues in Sahana2 === Accessibility === * Are we XHTML 1.0 compliant? * Are we usable without !JavaScript? == Performance Tests == Whilst the Web2Py framework is fast, we should check that we're not doing anything stupid to slow it down: * == Stress Tests == * * Siege == Security Tests == Whilst the Web2Py framework is secure by design, we should validate this: * ---- DeveloperGuidelines