[[TOC]] = Domain = == International Development NGOs == Red Cross Code of Conduct: * http://www.ifrc.org/publicat/conduct/ Sphere standards (Humanitartian Charter & Minimum Standards): * http://www.sphereproject.org/ == Emergency Management == ADPC: Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre * http://adpc.net === NIMS === FEMA (US Emergency Response) free online training (exam available only for US citizens) * [http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/IS100b.asp ICS 100] - Introduction to ICS (Incident Command System) * [http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is700a.asp ICS 700] - Introduction to NIMS (National Incident Management System) * [http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is800b.asp ICS 800] - Introduction to NRF (National Response Framework) * [http://training.fema.gov/EMIWeb/IS/is101a.asp ICS 101] - Deployment Basics (individual preparation) * [http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is701a.asp ICS 701] - NIMS Multiagency Coordination System * [http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is702a.asp ICS 702] - NIMS Public Information Systems * [http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is703a.asp ICS 703] - NIMS Resource Management * [http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/is704.asp ICS 704] - NIMS Communications and Information Management * [http://emilms.fema.gov/IS100b/indexMenu.htm ICS 200] - Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (for supervisors) ==== Communications and Information Management ==== ''Emergency management and incident response activities rely on communications and information systems that provide a common operating picture to all command and coordination sites. NIMS describes the requirements necessary for a standardized framework for communications and emphasizes the need for a '''common operating picture'''. This component is based on the concepts of '''interoperability''', '''reliability''', '''scalability''', and '''portability''', as well as the resiliency and '''redundancy''' of communications and information systems.'' ==== Resource Management ==== ''Resources (such as '''personnel''', '''equipment''', ''or'' '''supplies''') are needed to support critical incident objectives. The flow of resources must be fluid and adaptable to the requirements of the incident. NIMS defines standardized mechanisms and establishes the resource management process to '''identify requirements''', '''order and acquire''', '''mobilize''', '''track and report''', '''recover and demobilize''', '''reimburse''', and '''inventory''' resources.'' ==== Command and Management ==== ''The Command and Management component of NIMS is designed to enable effective and efficient incident management and coordination by providing a flexible, standardized incident management structure. The structure is based on three key organizational constructs: the '''Incident Command System''', '''Multiagency Coordination Systems''', and '''Public Information'''.''