Version 5 (modified by Taras Klaskovsky, 14 years ago) ( diff )




What is EDXL?

EDXL(Emergency Data Exchange Language) is a suite of XML-based messaging standards that facilitate emergency information sharing between government entities and the full range of emergency-related organizations, developed by OASIS. EDXL was designed to enable information about life-saving resources to be shared across local, state, tribal, national and non-governmental organizations. Implementation of EDXL standards aims to improve the speed and quality of coordinated response activities by allowing the exchange of information in real time.

What is HAVE?

HAVE(Hospital Availability Exchange) is a XML-based message standart for communication of the status of a hospital, its services, and its resources. These include bed capacity and availability, emergency department status, available service coverage, and the status of a hospital’s facility and operations, was first released on November 1, 2008.

What is EDXL-HAVE purpose?

The intent of the HAVE is to enable the exchange of information related to medical and health organizations and their resources among other hospitals, state health departments and associations, emergency managers, and other responsible emergency agencies involved in response and preparedness. It is designed for everyday use, mass disasters, and preparedness scenarios.

Why should I use it?

Because it is standard for emergency data, which is used beside and inside Sahana.

How it implemented in Sahana?

Sahana Eden and Sahana Agasti in Hospital Status Assessment module allow export and import data about hospitals in EDXL-HAVE format.

What alternative standarts are exist?

There is no formats special for hospitals data exchange. Other major emergency data standarts apart from EDXL are Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), The Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM), The National Information Exchange Model (NIEM), IEEE 1512.Read

Who develop EDXL?

Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, on request United States Department of Homeland Security.

Who is using EDXL?

  • U.S. goverment is the most important provider and consumer of EDXL-HAVE feeds

What is the limitations of EDXL-HAVE standart?

The major limitation of EDXL-HAVE is that EDXL lacks elements/attributes to represent record ownership (administrating domain of a record) or field-level changes (who has changed which data element and when?), and the representation of record identity is very weak -- this is important for disaster situations when network availability is constantly changing and unpredictable and data may be scattered across multiple data stores. Possible workaround is to use embedded EDXL in TableCast. Something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns=""
    <content type="application/tablecast+xml">
      <tc:edit tc:record="HospitalName/Activity24Hr"
          <tc:field tc:name="Admissions">"120"</tc:field>
          <tc:field tc:name="Discharges"
                    tc:comment="Doubtful info">55</tc:field>

This entry says that, at 15:27:39 on June 29, 2010, UTC, someone with the e-mail address edited two fields on the record with identifier "HospitalName/Activity24Hr", setting the "Admissions" field to the number 120 and "Discharges" to the number 55. The latter change also has an associated change comment explaining that the value 55 was "Doubtful info".

Moreover, as every XML standart, EDXL-HAVE have some limitations because of predefined tags, especially time tags. For example, in EDXL-HAVE "estimate of the beds, above the current number, that could be made vacant/available within x hours" exist only for 24 and 72 hours.

Usage Scenarios:

Use of HAVE during a mass disaster

A major disaster has occurred in a heavily populated city. A number of casualties are reported, and the Incident Commander (IC) needs to get a common operational picture on the status of the hospitals in the region, including the resources they can offer. The IC sends a message to the regional hospitals for an update on their status and bed availability information. Hospitals receive this request, and use their respective systems to send HAVE messages. These messages contain the status of each hospital’s emergency department, bed availability information, and the hospital’s operations and facilities. These are accepted into the IC’s Consequence Incident Management System (CIMS) tool, and similar tools used by other emergency response agencies (e.g. Computer-Aided Dispatch systems used in public safety answering points).

Use of HAVE during an everyday emergency

A car crash has occurred in a rural area resulting in two badly burned victims, according to on-scene public safety personnel. Before the EMS staff reach the scene, EMS dispatch sends a request to nearby hospitals for a status of available burn services and burn beds. A few hospitals respond to the request, and use the service coverage element in the HAVE message to specify the burn coverage available at their facilities. They in turn are able to assemble their burn teams so there is no delay in treatment. Based on the acquired information, the victims are taken to the nearest hospital with the required services.

Use of HAVE for preparedness

As part of its preparedness campaign, a state hospital association conducts monthly drills that involve participating hospitals. During the drill, a fictional scenario is presented, and hospitals are asked to respond to it. During one such drill, the scenario requires that the state hospital association compile the number of ventilators (resource) that are available in the region. On the receipt of the request, hospitals send HAVE messages to the state association. Each HAVE message specifies the number of ventilators that each hospital has available.

Example of using EDXL-HAVE


Useful Links:


OASIS full EDXL-HAVE description

XML Schema

EDXL-HAVE Basics Whitepaper

EDXL-HAVE presentation about requirements

FEMA EDXL-HAVE description

EDXL Sharp

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