Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Event/2009/WorkOutFossIn

12/04/09 11:42:42 (15 years ago)
Fran Boon



  • Event/2009/WorkOutFossIn

    v30 v31  
    99The core team will all be physically together in in one place for the week to really push our framework to the next level. We'll be extending a warm welcome to any Python/!JavaScript programmers who wish to join in throughout the week.
    10 We will be polishing up our back-end REST/XSLT-driven XML/JSON controller & developing new front-end UI tools - flexible layouts with advanced widgets (based on [ ExtJS] &/or [ jQuery] [ dataTables]/[ jEditable]) &  Growl-like notifications generated programmatically by the easy to use, lightweight & powerful [ Web2Py]. We'll also be looking at improving our GIS functionality using Javascript toolkits like [ OpenLayers] & [ GeoExt]/[ MapFish].
    11 We'll also be fixing our Testing framework, based on [ Selenium].
     10We will be polishing up our back-end REST/XSLT-driven XML/JSON controller & developing new front-end UI tools - flexible layouts with advanced widgets (based on [ ExtJS] &/or [ jQuery] generated programmatically by the easy to use, lightweight & powerful [ Web2Py]. We'll also be looking at improving our GIS functionality using Javascript toolkits like [ OpenLayers] & [ GeoExt].
     11We also should be fixing our Testing framework, based on [ Selenium].
    1313How will people benefit from attending?
    1919== Audience, Pre-requisites ==
    2020 * [DeveloperGuidelines Installation, Developer & Framework Guidelines]
    21  * Participants should be familiar with Web technologies such as !JavaScript & Python Frameworks. [ Web2Py], [ OpenLayers]/[ GeoExt]/[ MapFish] &/or [ Selenium] experience a plus.
     21 * Participants should be familiar with Web technologies such as !JavaScript & Python Frameworks. [ Web2Py], [ jQuery] , [ ExtJS] , [ OpenLayers]/[ GeoExt] experience a plus.
    2222 * If people can get time to familiarise with the codebase before the session then this would be extremely helpful, but isn't required.
    2323 * If there are people with skills in Usability they are welcome even without programming skills.
    7777=== Ideamonk ===
    7878 1. Done: Finish integrating the [ GPS coordinate converter] into the GIS Location input form
     79 2. Multiple File Uploader for the GIS Photos
    8081=== Surya ===