
Version 11 (modified by Ajay Kumar, 15 years ago) ( diff )


SahanaPy Workout @

SahanaPy is having a week-long workout at 2009


SahanaPy is an example of HFOSS (Humanitarian FOSS). It is a RAD framework for developing Emergency Management applications. Sahana has been used to help support most major disasters since the Indian Ocean Tsunami including localised versions for floods in India (Bihar 2008 & Andhra Pradesh/Karnataka 2009). You can check Sahana's History here & here.

The core team will all be physically together in in one place for the week to really push our framework to the next level. We'll be extending a warm welcome to any Python/JavaScript programmers who wish to join in throughout the week. We will be polishing up our back-end REST/XSLT-driven XML/JSON controller & developing new front-end UI tools - flexible layouts with advanced widgets (based on ExtJS &/or jQuery dataTables/jEditable) & Growl-like notifications generated programmatically by the easy to use, lightweight & powerful Web2Py. We'll also be looking at improving our GIS functionality using Javascript toolkits like OpenLayers & GeoExt/MapFish. We'll also be fixing our Testing framework, based on Selenium.

How will people benefit from attending?

  • Get acquainted with a new python web framework Web2Py
  • Use advanced JavaScript functionality
  • Get a sense of fulfilment from contributing to HFOSS

Audience, Pre-requisites

How to Communicate?

What are we going to do?


  1. GIS
  • Export Features as GeoJSON (using S3XRC with an XSLT)
  • Display Features
  • Make Features Editable from the Map
  1. Ext
  • Add a new format=ext representation to the REST controller which uses ext versions of the default layouts which inherit from layout_ext.html
  • Ext menu
  • Ext widgets for forms
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