[[TOC]] = GSoC 2010 = We have been lucky enough to have 6 students accepted: ||Project !BluePrint||Student||Mentor (Primary)||Mentor (Backup)|| ||ExtJS frontend for S3XRC||Abhishek Mishra||Dominic Koenig (nursix)||Fran Boon (flavour)|| ||OCR||Suryajith Chillara||Praneeth Bodduluri (lifeeth)||Michael Howden|| ||Spreadsheet Importer||Shikhar Kohli||Mark Prutsalis||Michael Howden|| ||Survey Tool||Robert O'Connor||Michael Howden||Mark Prutsalis|| ||Synchronisation||Amer Tahir||Fran Boon (flavour)||Michael Howden|| ||Volunteer Management||Zubair Assad||Pat Tressel||Mark Prutsalis|| ---- == Suggestions for Student Applications == * When thinking about the goals within you project, consider (These do NOT need to be included in your application, but you should acknowledge them in your goals and timeline): * Complete Specification Requirements (how can you code it, if you don't know what "it" is) * User Stories, wire-frames, flow-charts * Testing (If you haven't tested it - it doesn't work) * Documentation - for maintenance, for developers (if it is framework functionality which will be re-used) and for users (if the code isn't documented - it's not finsihed) * In terms of functionality goals, try to express them in terms of what the user will be able to do. * Don't be afraid to ask questions to the mentors for the projects. == Project Ideas == Here is a place to start collecting thoughts and ideas for potential projects which could be submitted as part of Google Summer (or Winter - depending on you hemispherial orientation) of Code (GSoC) 2010. [[BR]] Students are welcome to submit their own project ideas to, although it would be a good idea to share the idea with the community first (via the [http://groups.google.com/group/sahanapy Mailing List] or IRC: #sahana-py) to check the viability of it and help to develop it.[[BR]] Many of the ideas listed on http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/dev:sahana_gsoc10_ideas could also be implemented in !SahanaPy. [[BR]] Finally, just because there are students or mentors listed for a project already doesn't mean that you can't apply. All applications will be judged equally on their merit. == Synchronization == === Description === Sharing data between separate instances of Sahana. This might include such functionality as: * Automated syncing * Syncing via flash drive * Creating rule to avoid conflicts * Creating user friendly interface to resolve conflict * Allowing an instance to either access a local DB or server DB depending on the connection * Upgrading a local instance at the time of syncing (could this also be done if syncing by flashdrive?) * Cleaning data and removing duplicate entries between versions. === Appeal === * Would allow Sahana to be used in environments without reliable internet. === Blue Prints === [wiki:BluePrintSynchronisation] === Interested Students === Amer Tahir - amertahir (at) gmail (dot) com === Interested Mentors === - Dominic König - dominic (at) nursix (dot) org - Michael Howden* - michael (dot) howden (at) gmail (dot) com == Survey Tool == === Description === A tool to allow non-technical users to generate custom surveys and: * Print the surveys and read the results through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) * Allow the survey to be completed via SMS, or on an iPhone, Android, iPad, Abacus * Generate pretty graphs & reports * Perform analysis on the survey data (How's your Statistics?) * Link survey results to maps * Data visualization * integration with SMS for SMS Surveys http://groups.google.com/group/GlobalWASHIMTools shows an example of a generic survey tool design for the Global WASH (Water Sanitation and Health) cluster (UNICEF, IR, Oxfam). === Appeal === * In the recovery period after disasters and crisis's, organizations need to collect information about affected people to plan activities better and to assess the impact of those activities. Surveys are also important prior to disasters to assess to vulnerability of populations and help them to better respond to hazards. * This could involve playing with a bunch of cool technologies. === Blue Prints === * [wiki:BluePrintOCR] * [wiki:BluePrintReporting] * [wiki:BluePrintSurveyTool] * [wiki:BluePrintSurvey] === Interested Students === (there could be more than one project here) [[BR]] Robert O'Connor -- [http://robbyoconnor.blogspot.com blog] - robby DOT oconnor AT gmail DOT com - IRC Nicks: robbyoconnor, r0bby[[BR]] === Interested Mentors === Michael Howden* (Focused on the core functionality)[[BR]] Praneeth Bodduluri (Focused on the OCR) == GIS == === Description === If you're happy to spend the 5K you get from google on a UAV - the sky's the limit. [[BR]] Even if not there's still heaps of opportunities: * Color coded maps according to Geo-data (threats, needs, etc) * Placing variable sized markers on the map in proportion to data (number of people in camp, number of families needing food) * Tracking people ( John Smith was registered at Camp A, then collected food at Camp B, then volunteers at Site C), or Items (The shipment of Tarpaulins moved from site C to site D, where it was split, and then half of them have been distributed from site E) * Having a playable timeline slider (like [http://haiti.ushahidi.com/main]) * Integrating Walking Papers ([http://walking-papers.org/]) functionality into Sahana === Appeal === * Maps are where it's at === Blue Prints === [wiki:BluePrintGeographicInformationSystems] === Interested Students === Douglas Soares de Andrade (dsa) - dsandrade at gmail.com Anil Kumar M - anil(dot)kumar(dot)848(at)gmail(dot)com IRC - mak89k Zubair Assad - zubairassad89 [at] gmail [dot] com ; IRC: assad === Interested Mentors === Fran Boon (flavour) == Importing Tool == === Description === A generic importing tool, which allowed data to be imported from various sources automatically. The data could be parsed and fitted into our data model, or it may just be added to a news feed aggregator. This project could include: * Importing from PDF, XLS, HTML, Ushahidi, new feeds, incoming SMS * A User friendly interface to match fields to parse the data * Importing from "flat" tables to linked tables * Methods of automatically (or with a user friendly interface) cleaning data === Appeal === * The data is out there, we need it in here. * A large amount of Disaster Information Management is still done using Excel. To get people to start using Sahana, we need to give them the option of easily migrating all of that excel data. === Blue Prints === * [wiki:SpreadsheetImporter] * [wiki:BluePrintImporter] === Interested Students === Nitin Rastogi (IRC nick - codestasher) Shikhar Kohli - shikharkohli(at)gmail(dot)com IRC-shikhark === Interested Mentors === Michael Howden* == Dashboard/Usability == === Description === Create a dashboards with a slick interface to make : * Integrate an electronic whiteboard feature with a Wii remote do display and manipulate information (eg. stock in warehouse, lists of requests, lists of people, vehicles) === Appeal === * Whiteboards are a highly used tool in disasters for managing information === Blue Prints === === Interested Students === === Interested Mentors === Michael Howden* == Volunteer Management System == === Description === Volunteer Management and Coordination is the most fundamental component during Disaster Management. It would include, among other essential functions in the current module 'vol', the following: * Deployer Interface for customization of requirement from volunteer * Volunteer data on Maps with the descriptive placemarks containing Volunteer Information e.g. Resources and the skills * Volunteers to be automatically matched to the most appropriate projects based on their proximity to the region and other factors. === Appeal === * Live data of the location of volunteers would allow immediate dispatch in an organized manner * Deployer Interface to elucidate their requirements of volunteer for more customization and effective deployment. === Blueprints === [wiki:BluePrintVolunteer] === Interested Students === Zubair Assad - zubairassad89 [at] gmail [dot] com ; IRC: assad Anil Kumar M - anil [dot] kumar [dot] 848 [at] gmail [dot] com ; IRC: mak89k Shikhar Kohli - shikharkohli [at] gmail [dot] com ; IRC- shikhark === Interested Mentors === *Not all 4 - but am flexible. == Hospital Management System Widget == === Description === Build a widget (similar to the Google Person Finder widget) for reporting hospital status information directly into the Hospital Management System (HMS). This needs to be EDXL-HAVE and EDXL-DE compliant. Best to dump the data into a table for validation before it is added to the main registry. === Appeal === This will make Sahana more ready to deploy in future disasters and to become the main registry for capturing hospital availability and capacity data. === Interested Mentors === Mark Prutsalis === Blueprints === === Interested Student === [[BR]] [[BR]] == HTML/JS front-end for S3XRC == === Description === Create an HTML and JS based frontend for S3XRC REST backend. Provide RAD way of writing reusable UI that can represent data coming from S3XRC (compound results). Provide alternatives to SQLFORM of web2py, which can suitably generate and handle forms based on compound resources. === Appeal === * This will enable SahanaPy to show results of complex SQL queries in the front-end. * A more responsive jQuery/ExtJS based UI that would change less, and actively load data through AJAX. * Will enable developers quickly prototype interfaces. === Interested Mentors === [[BR]] === Blueprints === * [wiki:S3XRC_v2][[BR]] * [wiki:S3XRC] === Interested Student === Abhishek Mishra ( ideamonk at gmail.com ) [http://blog.ideamonk.in blog] [http://groups.google.com/group/sahanapy/browse_thread/thread/e88638760031ab96?hl=en discussion]