336 | | === Review code for quality of localized strings === |
337 | | '''''Migrated'''''[[br]] |
338 | | You will need to review all the localised strings in the model and controller files for a single module, eg: |
339 | | * controllers\gis.py & models\gis.py |
340 | | * controllers\hrm.py & models\hrm.py |
341 | | * controllers\default.py (not a module, but still important) |
| 336 | === Review code for quality of internationalized strings === |
| 337 | '''''Migrated'''''[[br]] |
| 338 | All Strings which appear in the user interface, such as in menus and forms and help info, should be Internationalized, so that they are available to be Localised into different languages. This is done bty wrapping the strings in T(), e.g. T("This string is Internationalized and so can be translated") |
| 339 | |
| 340 | Strings inside T() should, by default, be in US English. |
| 341 | |
| 342 | For GCI, you will need to review all the internationalized strings in the model and controller files for a single module, eg: |
| 343 | * {{{controllers\gis.py}}}, {{{models\gis.py}}}, and {{{views/gis/*.html}}} |
| 344 | * {{{controllers\hrm.py}}}, {{{models\hrm.py}}}, and {{{views/hrm/*.html}}} |
| 345 | * {{{controllers\default.py}}} and {{{views/default/*.html}}} |
344 | | * Identify any strings that have not been properly marked to be localised: |
345 | | * Strings that users will see need to be localized -- these are strings that appear in the user interface, such as in menus and forms and help info. |
346 | | * Not all strings need to be localized, and some definitely should not be. |
347 | | * Strings that are used as keys in dicts, e.g. `{"this_is_a_key": 5}`, should not be localized. |
348 | | * A string that is intended to be in one specific language should not be localized. |
349 | | * Strings that need to be localized should have `T( )` around them. |
359 | | * Avoid non-keyboard, non-English characters. |
360 | | * The strings in {{{T( )}}} are keys that are used to look up translated strings. By convention, the key strings are in English. |
361 | | * Excel doesn't handle non-English characters well when it is used to manage translations. |
362 | | * Make sure wording / terminology is consistent -- don't use different strings that mean the same thing, e.g. if there is {{{T("My name is")}}} in one place, don't use {{{T("I am called")}}} somewhere else. |
| 357 | * Identify any strings that have not been wrapped in T() |
| 358 | * Note: Not all strings need to be localized, and some definitely should not be: |
| 359 | * Strings that are used as keys in dicts, e.g. `{"this_is_a_key": 5}`, should not be localized. |
| 360 | * A string that is intended to be in one specific language should not be localized (e.g. the Language names in the Language selector in {{{deployment-templates/models/000_config.py}}}). |
| 361 | * Consider improving consistency of wording / terminology - don't use different strings that mean the same thing, e.g. if there is {{{T("My name is")}}} in one place, avoid using {{{T("I am called")}}} somewhere else. |