Changes between Version 94 and Version 95 of Event/2011/GCI

11/21/11 09:30:48 (13 years ago)
Pat Tressel



  • Event/2011/GCI

    v94 v95  
    182182=== Create A Disaster Scenario ===
    184 The objective is to collect real or at least realistic data which can be used to demonstrate some of the capabilities of Sahana Eden. The task requires a little research on the disaster risk reduction, preparedness and response capabilities in your location.
     184The task is to describe how your local emergency response organisations and citizens plan to act in a disaster, and to collect real or at least realistic data which can be used to demonstrate some of the capabilities of Sahana Eden, if it were being used by those agencies. The task requires research on disaster preparedness and response capabilities in your location.
     186There are two goals for this task:  One is to prepare data that can be used to run a disaster simulation.  But the other is for you to become familiar with the emergency response agencies and procedures in your area.
    186188You will need to collect some data and save them in a format that can be imported directly into Sahana Eden through the Pre-Populate functionality. This will be achieved by creating a number of CVS files and conforming strictly to the format described in each file.
    192194To complete the task you will need to meet the following minimum specifications:
    194 Each scenario must contain a brief description. This must be no more that 500 words (approximately 1 page of text) describing the following:
    195  * The setting, location (country province)
    196  * The type of disaster the organistions are preparing for
    197  * Any known problems with existing disaster response capabilities
    198 Template file are held in the attached archive file "research disaster"
    200 ==== Easy Disaster Scenario ====
    201 ||=Type of resource =||= Number of entries =||= File =||
    202 || Organisation || 3||org/organisation.csv ||
    203 || Office || 6|| org/office.csv ||
    204 || Warehouse || 3|| org/office.csv ||
    205 || Staff || 50|| hrm/person.csv ||
    206 The recommended means of testing for this task is, to successfully open as a spreadsheet file, but saved as a CSV file, however if the student is able to set it up in a pre-populate folder that will make up for any significant shortfall in the entries.
    207 '''''Migrated'''''
    209 ==== Medium Disaster Scenario ====
     196Each scenario must contain a (short) description. This must be no more than about 1000 words (about 2 pages of text) describing the following:
     197 * The location (country, province, town,...) and setting (what is the area like?).
     198 * The type of disaster the organistions are preparing for.
     199 * What does each organisation do in a disaster?
     200 * What are citizens expected to do?
     201 * Are there any known problems with existing disaster response capabilities?
     202Attach the data in an archive file "".
    210204||= Type of resource =||= Number of entries =||= File =||
    211205|| Organisation || 4|| org/organisation.csv ||
    212206|| Office || 8|| org/office.csv ||
    213 || Warehouse || 6|| org/office.csv ||
    214 || Staff || 70|| hrm/person.csv ||
    215 || Staff skills || 200|| hrm/person.csv ||
    216 || Assets || 30|| asset/asset.csv ||
    217 || Stock || 120|| inv/inv_item.csv ||
    218 The recommended means of testing for this task is, attempt to import the data into eden using the menus. However if the student is encouraged to try and set it up in a pre-populate folder.
    219 '''''Migrated'''''
    221 ==== Hard Disaster Scenario ====
    222 ||= Type of resource =||= Number of entries =||= File =||
    223 || Organisation || 5|| org/organisation.csv ||
    224 || Office || 10|| org/office.csv ||
    225 || Warehouse || 8|| org/office.csv ||
    226 || Staff || 100|| hrm/person.csv ||
    227 || Staff skills || 200|| hrm/person.csv ||
    228 || Assets || 40|| asset/asset.csv ||
    229 || Stock || 120|| inv/inv_item.csv ||
    230 || Request for stock items || 120|| req/req.csv ||
    231 '''''Migrated'''''
    233 The recommended means of testing for this task is, attempt to import the data in a pre-populate folder. The data must be delivered in a single folder suitable for pre-populate even if the student was unable to run the pre-populate task.
     207|| Warehouse || 4|| org/office.csv ||
     208|| Staff || 40|| hrm/person.csv ||
     209|| Staff skills || 80|| hrm/person.csv ||
     210|| Assets || 20|| asset/asset.csv ||
     211|| Stock || 80|| inv/inv_item.csv ||
     213(Note to mentors: The recommended means of testing the data for this task is, attempt to import the data into eden using the menus. However, the student is encouraged to try and set it up in a pre-populate folder. In that case, test by attempting to import the data in a pre-populate folder. The data must be delivered in a single folder suitable for pre-populate even if the student was unable to run the pre-populate task.)
    235215=== Map elements between EDXL-SITREP and EDXL-RM ===