Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of Event/2012/GSoC/MessageParsing

07/13/12 13:28:23 (13 years ago)



  • Event/2012/GSoC/MessageParsing

    v36 v37  
    4343||1.Message Parsing UI designed.\\ 2.UI for Email settings.\\3.deployment_setting.parser.template defined and parser_enabled removed.\\4.Data model msg_workflow redefined.||Code committed to trunk.||Completed||
    4444||1.Integration of the IRS module for incident reporting through SMS.||1.Commits so far tested thoroughly.\\2.Bug fixing.\\ 3.Code committed to trunk.\\ ['''MID-TERM''' evaluations :-) ] ||Completed||
    45 ||1.Integration with CKEditor(Syntax Highlighting for parsing code) .\\2.Testing the IRS parsing routine.||Code committed locally.||15th July ||
    46 ||1.Routing mechanism to resources.\\ 2.Save search and subscription implemented for msg_log.||Code committed to trunk.||22nd July ||
    47 ||1.OpenGeoSMS (process_opengeosms() ) routine is tweaked and linked with the respective parsing methods.\\ 2.The existing functionality in the Android Client is tested .||Code committed to trunk.||29th July ||
    48 ||1.Clickatell functionality is developed for eden. \\2.Clickatell allows for a more robust testing mechanism.\\ 3.Feedback from mentors.||Code committed locally.||5th August ||
     45||1.2-step Parser(Common code for parsers in\\2.Testing the IRS parsing routine.||Code committed locally.||15th July ||
     46||1.Securing the parser queries\\2.Authentication of parser queries(Remote user login).||Code committed to trunk.||22nd July ||
     47||1.Clickatell functionality is developed for eden. \\2.Clickatell allows for a more robust testing mechanism.\\ 3.Feedback from mentors.||Code committed locally.||29th July ||
     48||1.OpenGeoSMS (process_opengeosms() ) routine is tweaked and linked with the respective parsing methods.\\ 2.The existing functionality in the Android Client is tested .\\3.Integration with CKEditor(Syntax Highlighting for parsing code).||Code committed to trunk.||5th August ||
    4949||1.System testing & Bug fixing.\\ 2.Final changes to the code are applied.||1.Project reaches final stage.\\ 2.Bug fixes \\3.Final Code committed to trunk.||13th August ||
    5050||PENCILS DOWN||Project Completed. :-)||20th August||