= Google Summer of Code 2012 Project = [[TranslatedPages]] = Description = This project aims to create a roster tool for the CERT service. This would involve a web interface where one could view time scheduling of volunteers. Volunteers could be reassigned using drag and drop features on the timetable as per need and requirement. The interface will highlight empty slots which require filling to the user. The client may then choose to fill these slots manually or take advantage of the autofill functionality of the application which will fill the slots for you. https://google-melange.appspot.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2012/bhaavanmerchant/8005 = Blueprint = http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/BluePrintRoster = Student Details = \\Bhaavan Merchant \\bhaavanmerchant [at] gmail [dot[ com \\0091-9552435405 \\Repo: https://github.com/bhaavanmerchant/eden \\ = Mentor Details = \\Dominic König \\dominic [at] nursix [dot[ org \\Forked repo: https://github.com/nursix/eden \\ = Meeting Dates = \\5 June 2012 - Google Hangout \\13 June 2012 - Google Hangout \\20 June 2012 - Google Hangout (1900 UTC) \\ = Progress = \\Finalizing idea \\Establishing contact with CERT members for review \\Setting up a controller and view for the rostering tool \\Building a UI similar to the one in blueprint \\Creating a prototype of the rostering tool. ( To be completed by Sunday) \\Linking the tool to read existing database, write models for the new ones. (Next week)