= Sahanathon = == What == A Virtual Weekend Hackathon / Code Sprint to work together on a setting up Sahana Eden to be used by Sahana Software Foundation for Community Management: * [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zrsXJJ1uArPVRFTRCIotdkp377vJyvkXptQrX5SWcJw/edit High-level Requirements] * [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgESuewSG-wodDlmSWNfZ3lLYVlkUVVKOF9NYVlvZ0E#gid=0 Task Breakdown] There are a range of different tasks for people to get involved with, including coding, testing, documentation and data wrangling. == When == 23rd - 25th March 2012 * Friday 23rd March * 2100 UTC Kick Off Meeting * Saturday 24th March * 2200 UTC Review Meeting * Sunday 25th March * 1700 UTC Wrap Up == Who == Anyone & Everyone! If you're interested in getting involved please fill in your details on the [https://docs.google.com/a/sahanafoundation.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuNG6ihli0CudDFCWXc4MVc5bVk1YnhUUEJGenllMkE#gid=0 Sahanathon Roster]. Also join the [http://groups.google.com/group/sahana-eden Sahana Eden Mailing List] to get further updates. The Sahanathon could also be a good opportunity for prospective GSoC Students to engage with the community (the student application period is March 17th - April 7th). == How == Whilst the usual process applies that most development is done in Trunk with only configuration settings & theme in the branch, for the period of the weekend, we need to adopt a faster model where we work direct in the branch & then back-port things to Trunk later, once the dust has settled. https://github.com/flavour/ssf You should fork this & submit Pull Requests there: * DeveloperGuidelines/Git == Promotion == * Give away a copy of the [wiki:Book Sahana Eden Essentials Book] as a prize for best.... == Ideas for Future Sahanathons == * Populating demonstration site with rich sample data in all registries * Introductory Webinar to Sahana * Giving a Tutorial on S3Core * Integrating All Work from GCI * Translations * Scenarios * Update all documentation for migration from Launchpad to GitHub * Implement Sahana Eden as a Sahana Software Foundation management tool * Engage prospective GSoC Students * Updating Book * ...