= Sahana Eden Training for New Developers Task = Interested in completing coding tasks for the Google Code-In with Sahana Eden but need some help learning how to code? Attend our Sahana Eden Training for New Developers on November 23 @ 1700 UTC to learn how. For more information about the training, please see: [http://sahanafoundation.org/virtual-sahana-eden-training-for-new-developers-saturday-november-23-1700-utc/ Virtual Sahana Eden Training for New Developers Saturday November 23 @ 1700 UTC]. If you attend the training and then complete a short quiz and survey following attendance, we will consider this an easy task for the Google Code-In. This session will be recorded so if you are unable to attend during the event, you can complete the task later on your own time. Recordings and all training materials will be made available on the [http://sahanafoundation.org/programs/training Training Page] of our website following the training. Here's what you need to do to complete this task: 1. [https://tacops.webex.com/tacops/j.php?ED=191414523&RG=1&UID=0&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D Register for the Training] 2. Claim the task on the Google-Melange site 3. Attend the training 4. Complete a short quiz to confirm your mastery of the content: [http://bit.ly/ssf-train-quiz Click to complete quiz] 5. Complete our survey on the training: [http://goo.gl/vtR4zX Click to complete survey] and remember - you need to include your name (used for GCI) in order to receive credit for having completed the survey. == Timeline == This is important. Please follow these instructions as well. * Please do not claim these tasks until Friday, November 22rd. Claims will not be accepted until approximately 12-14 hours before before the training is scheduled (0300-0500 UTC on 23 November). * Attend training, complete quiz and survey and mark task as completed. * Your attendance, quiz and survey will be evaluated within 48 hours of the completion of the training. That's it. As mentioned, if you are unable to attend the training while it is held, we will make the recordings and training materials (slides) availalble such that this task can be completed virtually rather than in real time.