[[TOC]] = Google Code In 2013 - 2014 = == Information for GCI Participants == * Please sign our [http://bit.ly/SSF-eCLA Contributor License Agreement] before claiming or completing any tasks (even non-coding tasks). * Note our Service Level Agreement with our mentors: * 24 hours to respond to task claim requests * 36 hours to review submitted completed tasks * Please use our public mailing lists or IRC channels for all communications - no private messaging please - our mentors should redirect you back to our public channels. * [[http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php?id=community:mailing_lists|Mailing Lists]] * [[http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/community:chat|IRC]] * Please note that Melange does notify mentors assigned to a task by e-mail whenever there is a status change or a comment made on a task... so you do not need to send an email to our lists when you claim or complete a task. * Please be patient.... our mentors have lives, spouses, children, jobs, hobbies... * Mentors and Admin on duty through the end of GCI: * Eden Admin: Vishrut Mehta (vishrut009) * Vesuvius Admin: Ramindu Deshapriya Thanks! == Tasks == * [wiki:Contribute/Code Code Tasks] * [wiki:Contribute/Documentation Documentation Tasks] * [wiki:Contribute/Outreach Outreach Tasks] * [wiki:Contribute/QA Quality Assurance (QA) Tasks] * [wiki:Contribute/UI User Interface (UI) Tasks] == Mentors == Sign Up & Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuvLmHsp0oWXdGhORWxrZ3hBWnhmeUFsOVdGeExjMkE&usp=sharing#gid=0