= Project: Full-Text Search = Name : '''Vishrut Mehta'''[[BR]] Mentor: '''Pat Tressel'''[[BR]] === Proposal === The proposal for the project is here:[[BR]] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2013/vishrutmehta/6001 === BluePrints === This project draws ideas from the Blueprints below:[[BR]] * BluePrint/TextSearch === Meetings And Discussions === '''Weekly Meeting''' : '''Tuesday and Saturday 04:30 UTC''' [[BR]] '''Venue''' : '''IRC''' [[BR]] Nick - vishrut009 [[BR]] '''Google Group Discussions''' : * https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sahana-eden/E0S7Hl_hjWo [[BR]] * https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sahana-eden/9XwK4955cmg [[BR]] === Description of Work Done === * Pylucene * Installation details are here: http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/BluePrint/TextSearch#Pylucene * Apache Solr * The installation details are here: http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/BluePrint/TextSearch#ApacheSolr * Sunburnt * The script Attached below installs the dependencies and also configures and installs Apache Solr and Sunburnt[[BR]] * Enabling text search: -> Uncomment the following line in ''models/000_config.py'' {{{ # Uncomment this and set the solr url to connect to solr server for Full-Text Search settings.base.solr_url = "" }}} * Asynchronously Indexing and Deleting Documents: * The code for asynchronously indexing documents is in ''models/tasks.py'' * '''Insertion''': The code will first insert the document into the database. Then in callback ''onaccept'' it will index those documents calling the document_create_index() function from models/tasks.py . The following code should be added for enabling Full Text search for documents in any modules. The example is there, you can see modules/s3db/doc.py in document_onaccept() hook. * '''Deletion''': The code will first delete the record from the database table, then will select that file and will delete it from Solr also, by deleting its index which is stored in solr server. You can look for the code in modules/s3db/doc.py in document_ondelete() hook. * In model() {{{ if settings.get_base_solr_url(): onaccept = self.document_onaccept # where document_onaccept is the onaccept hook for indexing ondelete = self.document_ondelete # where document_onaccept is the onaccept hook for deleting else: onaccept = None ondelete = None configure(tablename, onaccept=onaccept, ondelete=ondelete, ..... }}} * In onaccept() {{{ @staticmethod def document_onaccept(form): vars = form.vars doc = vars.file # where file is the name of the upload field table = current.db.doc_document # doc_document is the tablename try: name = table.file.retrieve(doc)[0] except TypeError: name = doc document = json.dumps(dict(filename=doc, name=name, id=vars.id, tablename="doc_document", # where "doc_document" is the name of the database table )) current.s3task.async("document_create_index", args = [document]) return }}} * in ondelete(): {{{ @staticmethod def document_ondelete(row): db = current.db table = db.doc_document # doc_document is the tablename record = db(table.id == row.id).select(table.file, # where file is the name of the upload field limitby=(0, 1)).first() document = json.dumps(dict(filename=record.file, # where file is the name of the upload field id=row.id, )) current.s3task.async("document_delete_index", args = [document]) return }}} === Full Text Functionality === * The full text search functionality is integrated in modules/s3/s3resource.py, the fulltext() does the work. * The flow is: First the TEXT query goes to transform() function, which would split the query recursively and then transform the query. * After transforming, the query with TEXT operator will go to fulltext() function and would search for the keywords in the indexed documents. * It will retrieve document ids and then covert into a BELONGS S3ResourceQuery. * The code sample for the fulltext() is in ''models/s3/s3resource.py'' === Unit Test === * Unit Tests are important part of any code function to check ifs its working according to our expectation. * For Full Text Search also, I have implemented it in ''modules/unit_tests/s3/s3resource.py'' - Class DocumentFullTextSearchTests * For checking the code in different situations, so all errors are removed, there are different tests implemented for it. The cases are: * When Solr is available (Solr server is running normally) * When Solr is unavailable (Solr server is not running, but enabled) * Checking the output of query() function * Checking the output of call() function [[BR]][[BR]] ||= SMART Goal =||= Measure =||= Status =|| || Explore Pylucene || Installed and configured on demo server || Completed || || Scripts for indexing and search in pylucene || Scripts working on the demo server || Completed || || Explore Apache Solr and Sunburnt || Installed both on demo and local server || Completed || || Scripts for indexing and search for sunburnt || Working scripts for sunburnt ready || Completed || || Asynchronously Indexing and Deleting Document || Implemented & Integrated in Sahana Eden || Completed || || Install Script foe Installing and Configuring Solr and sunburnt || Below is the link of the script || Completed || || Designing the Full-Text search functionality implementation || Discussed with Dominic and Fran || Completed || || Implementation of fulltext() function in s3resource.py || Successfully implemented with Error handling || Completed || || Implemented a transform() function to transform a TEXT query to __belong query || Successfully implemented with Error handling || Completed || || Unit tests for all cases(solr un/available, query(), __call__() ) || Implemented the unit tests for s3resource || Almost Done || || Generic Indexing onaccept() hook, can be integrated in any module || Implemented and tested on doc_document || Completed ||