= SahanaCamp and Sahana Conference @ IOTX = The Sahana Software Foundation is holding a number of events in parallel with the [http://www.iotxconvention.org/ Indian Ocean Tsunami 10th (abbreviated as IOTX) Anniversary convention] in Colombo Sri Lanka.The IOTX satellite events around Sahana activities are: * Mon-Tue 16-18 June: ::EDXL Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) [http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/amp/pwsp/CAP_2013_en.htm Jump Start and Implementation Workshop 2014], expert technical meeting (Eliot pls change link to 2014 when it's ready) * Thursday 19 June :: [http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/Event/2014/IOTX/cap-codefest-2014 CAP Code-fest] * Thursday 19 June :: LIRNEasia hosted [http://lirneasia.net/projects/icts-early-warning/ladrr/2014-regional-readiness/ Fourth Disaster Risk Reduction Public Lecture ], "Regional Readiness", a policy discussion * Fri-Sat 20-21 June :: [http://www.iscramasia2014.org/ ISCRAM Asia 2014 Conference] == SahanaCamp IOTX == ''Wednesday 17th June @ Virtusa, Orion City IT Park, Colombo, Sri Lanka'' SahanaCamp IOTX will be a participatory workshop on the Sahana Disaster Management Information System. As a SahanaCamp IOTX participants you will: * Be introduced to real-world Sahana disaster management solutions * Get hands on experience using Sahana to manage information and make decisions in a disaster simulation. * Analyse of how Sahana could be used in your organisation SahanaCamp IOTX is aimed at people working for a disaster management agencies and organizations or those involved in disaster management research. Registration will be opening 14th February 2014. == Sahana Conference == ''Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd June 2014 @ WSO2, Colombo, Sri Lanka'' The Sahana Annual Conference is an time for member of the Sahana community to gathering together to dedicate time into collaborating, sharing experiences & ideas and plan ways to improve Sahana. There will be time for community to lead their own workshops as well as social events and meals together. Sahana’s Annual General Meeting will also take place during the conference. == Annual General Meeting - Presentations == Presentations from the officers of the Sahana Software Foundation on the activities of the past year. == Social Event == Social outing to enjoy some local attraction in Sri Lanka as a group == Sahana BarCamp == Opportunity for all members of the Sahana Community to give a presentation or lead a discussion, exercise or coding session. || Friday 20th June || Morning || 9am-12pm || Annual General Meeting - Presentations || || || Afternoon || 1pm-5pm || Social Event || || || Evening || 7pm || Group Dinner || || Saturday 21st June || Morning || 9am-12pm || Sahana BarCamp || || || Afternoon || 1pm-5pm || Sahana BarCamp || || || Evening || 7pm || Group Dinner || || Sunday 22nd June || Morning || 9am-12pm || Annual General Meeting || || || Afternoon || 1pm-5pm || Sahana BarCamp / Board Meeting || [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ITXrRaV5sXny99caufZiqkyLYxpw3n8ifAKOAFIINHA/viewform Register Now!]