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SahanaCamp and Sahana Conference @ IOTX, Colombo, Sri Lanka
The Sahana Software Foundation is holding a number of events in parallel with the Indian Ocean Tsunami 10th (abbreviated as IOTX) Anniversary convention in Colombo Sri Lanka.The IOTX satellite events around Sahana activities are:
- Mon-Tue 16-18 June: ::EDXL Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Jump Start and Implementation Workshop 2014, expert technical meeting
- Thursday 19 June :: CAP Code-fest
- Thursday 19 June :: LIRNEasia hosted Fourth Disaster Risk Reduction Public Lecture , "Regional Readiness", a policy discussion
- Fri-Sat 20 June :: ISCRAM Asia 2014 Conference
Virtual Sahana Eden Technical Training IOTX
8:30pm IST (3:00pm UTC) Sunday 8th June
Webinar Register Here!
If you want to learn about how the Sahana Eden Open Source Disaster Management Software works before the IOTX, this is your opportunity. The training program provides an orientation in the technologies that Sahana Eden uses, describes the architecture of the Sahana Eden codebase; identifies the steps to install a Sahana Eden developer’s environment; explains how to share code on Git; and provides information on where more information about the code can be found and how to engage with the Sahana community.The training is 2 hours long.
For more information please contact michael at sahanafoundation dot org or see:
SahanaCamp IOTX
Wednesday 18th June @Virtusa, Orion City IT Park, Colombo The SahanaCamp will be a participatory workshop on the use of Disaster Management Information Systems with a focus on the Sahana Open Source Disaster Management Information System which is used throughout the world by both the International Red Cross and United Nations. As a SahanaCamp participants you will:
- Be introduced to real-world Sahana disaster management solutions
- Get hands on experience using Sahana to manage information and make decisions in a disaster simulation.
- Analyse of how disaster management information systems could be used in your organisation
SahanaCamp is aimed at people working for a disaster management agencies and organizations or those involved in disaster management research. The Sahana Software Foundation has delivered [( SahanaCamp workshops] in India, Vietnam, Lisbon, USA and Taiwan. They are opportunities to connect with other regional experts and share from the international experience of the Sahana Team.
8:30 - Introduction To Sahana
- History of Sahana
- Sahana Software
- Sahana Community
- Getting Involved
9:30 - Case Studies
- International Federation of Red Cross Societies (IFRC) - Resource Management System
- Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka - Disaster Management Information System
- Los Angeles Community Resilience Mapping Tool
- US National Library of Medicine - People Locator
- Timor Leste - Disaster Risk Management Information System
10:30 - Morning Tea
11:00 - Sahana Exercises
- Organisation Directory
- Reporting Incidents
- Who's Doing What Where
- Missing Person Finder
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Implementing Sahana
- Planning your Implementation
- Lessons Learned
- Customising Sahana
15:00 - Afternoon Tea
15:30 - Implementing Sahana in Your Organisation
- Workshop exercise to develop a plan for your organisation
17:00 - Wrap Up
17:30 - End
Sahana Conference
Friday 20th - Sunday 22nd June 2014 @ WSO2, Colombo, @University of Colombo School Computing and @Virtusa, Orion City IT Park, Colombo The Sahana Conference will combine the Sahana Software Foundation’s Annual General Meeting with community lead Bar Camp sessions and social activities. This will be a is an time for member of the Sahana community to gathering together to collaborate, sharing experiences & ideas and plan ways to improve Sahana.
The Social activities will involve an exciting boat safari through the breathtaking marshlands of the Madu River, a tour of cinnamon production, which originated in Sri Lanka and a zoo where you will have the chance to meet ‘Doctor Fish’ that nibble at ankles and to pet and a live baby crocodiles!
Friday 20th June | Morning | 8:30am-12pm | Annual General Meeting - Presentations | WSO2 |
Afternoon | 1pm-5:30pm | Bar Camp Sessions | WSO2 | |
Saturday 21st June | Morning | 8:30am-12pm | Sahana Keynote + Panel @ ISCRAM | University of Colombo School Computing |
Afternoon | 1pm-7pm | Social Event | Madu River - Ahungalla | |
Evening | 7pm | Group Dinner | TBD | |
Sunday 22nd June | Morning | 8:30am-12pm | Annual General Meeting | Virtusa |
Afternoon | 1pm-5:30pm | Bar Camp Sessions / Board Meeting | Virtusa |
Annual General Meeting - Presentations
Presentations from the officers of the Sahana Software Foundation on the activities of the past year.
Social Event
Social outing to enjoy some local attraction in Sri Lanka as a group
BarCamp Sessions
Opportunity for all members of the Sahana Community to give a presentation or lead a discussion, exercise or coding session.