Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Event/2015/CAP_MM_PAGASA

07/01/15 14:50:15 (10 years ago)
Biplov Bhandari



  • Event/2015/CAP_MM_PAGASA

    v1 v2  
    2121The said workshop is one of the activities under the UNESCAP funded project called “Cap on a Map”. Myanmar now joins Philippines and Maldives, which were from the beginning in the project.  It aims to augment the capacities of the national agencies for issuing early warnings using a multi-agency all-hazard/all-media approach and improve the response capacities of Myanmar as a participating country by improving the situational awareness at the time of a disaster. It is being proposed to develop and operationalize a CAP (Common Alert Protocol) enabled [ Sahana Alerting and Messaging Broker] ('''SAMBRO''')  platform in order to provide location specific alerts/warnings and integrate all the stakeholders through a common information exchange hub for better coordination at the time of a disaster.[[br]][[br]]
    2222In view of the above, we would like to invite you or your representative to participate in the workshop.  Please find attached a copy of the program, for your reference. Thank you and we look forward to receiving your response about the matter on your convenient time but not later than '''Wednesday 15 July 2015'''[[br]][[br]]
     25== Facilitators ==
     26     * [ Nuwan Waidyanatha] - Director & Chair Standards/Interoperability Sahana Software Foundation
     27     * [ Manzul Hazarika] - Associate Director, Asian Institute of Technology Geoinformatics Center
     28     * [# Ms. Htay Htay Than] - Director, Hydrological Division, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
     30== Schedule and Slides ==
     31||= '''Time''''''' =||= '''Action ''''''' =||= '''Resource''''''' =||
     32|| 08:30 - 09:00 || Registration || 
     33||=  '''OPENING CEREMONY''' =||
     34|| 09.00 – 09.05 || Opening speech on behalf of Local Organizer ||  DMH  ||
     35|| 09.05 – 09.10 || Opening speech on behalf of AIT and SAHANA  ||  AIT/SAHANA ||
     36|| 09:10 – 09:45 || Overview of project on “CAP on a MAP”  ||  Dr. Manzul Hazarika, AIT  ||
     37|| 09.45 – 10.15 || ''Group photo/Tea-n-Coffee Break'' ||
     38||= '''TECHNICAL SESSION''' =||
     39|| 10.15 – 10.45 || [# Status of Disaster Management and Early Warning System in Myanmar]  ||  DMH  ||
     40|| 10.45 – 11.15 || [# Multi-Agency Situational Awareness (MASA)] platform with Sahana Alerting and Messaging Broker (SAMBRO)  ||  Mr. Nuwan Waidyanatha, SSF  ||
     41|| 11.15 – 12.00 || Assessing risks and identifying geospatial vulnerabilities for alert area templates ||  Dr. Manzul Hazarika, AIT  ||
     42|| 12:00 – 12.30 || [# Common Alert Protocol (CAP) - Standards, policies and procedures]  ||  Mr. Nuwan Waidyanatha, SSF  ||
     43|| 12:30 - 13:30 || ''Lunch Break'' ||
     44||= '''DISCUSSION SESSION''' =||
     45|| 13:30 - 14:00 || Hands-on experimenting with CAP-enabled alerting software ||  Mr. Nuwan Waidyanatha, SSF  ||
     46|| 14:00 - 14:30 || [# SWOT analysis] of CAP and software tools an assessment of implementing CAP in the Myanmar  ||  Mr. Nuwan Waidyanatha, SSF  ||
     47|| 14:30 - 15:00 || ''Tea/ Coffee Break'' ||
     48|| 15:00 - 16:00 || Discuss and plan action items: [[br]] 1. Development of the National CAP Implementation profile [[br]] 2. Formation of a CAP working group [[br]] 3. Sharing data/information for system implementation [[br]] 4. Revisit the project activities and plan [[br]] 5. Methods for collaborations among stakeholders and way forward ||  Mr. Nuwan Waidyanatha, SSF [[br]] Dr. Manzul Hazarika, AIT  ||
     50== Resources ==
     51==== Project Partners ====
     52     * [ Sahana Brochure]
     53     * [# AIT Brochure]
     54     * [# UNESCAP]
     55==== Workshop Tools ====
     561. [ Download SimCAPTool]
     58==== Activity documents ====
     60==== Presentation slides ====
     62== Participants ==