= FOSSkriti Workshop = There will be a hackfest for !SahanaPy at [http://www.techkriti.org/#/fosskriti/ FOSSkriti] from Feb 14th to 15th. This will include a number of people - some will be skiled programmers, some may be new to this technology. Ajay will be on site. Remote support will be provided by Fran (& Dominic? & Satyag?) == Preparation == * Server (Internet accessible): Shashank * Have a Bzr repo people can check code to * Runs code live via Apache/mod_wsgi (remote admin permitted) * Get Trac usernames setup for all known participants ahead of time: Shashank/Ajay * Person Registry Blue Print: Dominic * Prepare Presentation: Fran * Focus on detail of Tracks == Introduction == * Brief Skype Videocall? * Brief Impress presentation? (What is Sahana? Why !SahanaPy? What is !SahanaPy? Tracks available): Ajay to deliver? * http://docs.google.com/Presentation?docid=dcrv4cnj_4dtkg2kfb&hl=en_GB * http://www.slideshare.net/franboon/sahana-at-fosskriti-2009-presentation * http://www.dimdim.com * Getting Started: * InstallationGuidelinesDeveloper * DeveloperGuidelines * [http://www.sahana.lk/chat IRC] * Pastebin * For jQuery/HTML: http://pastebin.me/ * For Python: http://paste.pocoo.org/ == Tracks == * Sahana Module development: Ajay? * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesNewModule How to add a new Module?] * [wiki:BluePrintPersonRegistry Person Registry] * Web2Py framework for simple RAD web development: Massimo * Extend the Languages support by integrating suggestions from [http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlanguage/ GoogleTranslate]? * [wiki:BluePrintMany2Many Many to Many widget] * [wiki:BluePrintSynchronisation Synchronisation] * [wiki:BluePrintFramework Framework] * Test _stamp_many() * Testing using Selenium: Satyag? * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesTesting#BoundaryTestingshoulddo Testing with Selenium] * jQuery enhancements: Shashank? * Advanced: Fran? * if there are advanced Python developers who want a challenge then they can look at any of the BluePrints, e.g. * [wiki:BluePrintGeographicInformationSystems GIS] * [wiki:BluePrintMessagingModule Messaging Module] * [wiki:BluePrintReporting Charts/Reporting] * [wiki:BluePrintGISImportExport XML Import/Export]