== Why replace CVS with Bazaar? == '''''Note we have now moved to using git with Github.''''' CVS is old technology which doesn't easily support merging (nor even folder renames) Merging is a common requirement for Sahana where most development occurs in deployment branches & currently never makes it back to trunk.[[BR]] It is also relevant to GSoC where merges are done in a very manual, painful process. Using a Distributed Version Control System can be a great benefit for our Project: * http://ianclatworthy.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/dvcs-why-and-how3.pdf * http://www.robf.de/Hacking/bazaar/dvc-rules.html Bzr is simple to use for people familiar with CVS (or SVN) & supports [FrequentlyAskedQuestionsLaunchPad Launchpad]: * http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrWhy * http://versioncontrolblog.com/comparison/Bazaar/Git/Mercurial/index.html Bzr is used by Web2Py: * https://code.launchpad.net/~mdipierro/web2py/devel ---- DeveloperGuidelinesBzr FrequentlyAskedQuestions