== Why replace !SourceForge with Launchpad? == Sahana-Eden is a registered sub-project of the main Sahana !LaunchPad site: * https://launchpad.net/sahana Sourceforge was great in it's day, but hasn't kept up with the competition: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open_source_software_hosting_facilities [[BR]] We need a host which supports [FrequentlyAskedQuestionsBazaar Bzr] * http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_launchpad.html There are other good reasons for switching:[[BR]] The bug tracker has been a particular source of frustration - it has poor facilities for targetting bugs at specific milestones.[[BR]] This is related to there being no support for roadmaps (the Wiki is currently used for this, but it's not integrated) Launchpad is designed to foster a more collaborative development process, which is exactly what we need.[[BR]] It is designed for a world of Distributed Version Control systems & less central hierarchy.[[BR]] It supports links to external systems (such as Sourceforge & Trac). The User-focussed 'Answers' section & FAQ are potentially very useful...although right now they seem better as inspiration for how to structure our Wiki[[BR]] The 'Translations' section could potentially replace Pootle? It's main limitation is the lack of an in-built Wiki (the !BluePrints/Answers/FAQ can kind-of be used to work around this). We therefore use [FrequentlyAskedQuestionsTrac Trac] more than !LaunchPad (using the Bzr plugin). * Can push LP bugs to Trac: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/TracPlugin Launchpad is also used by Web2Py: * https://launchpad.net/web2py The SF mailing lists have also had reliability problems & the web archive is a very poor access method.[[BR]] LP doesn't provide a replacement here...if we were to change, then we should consider !GoogleGroups. ---- FrequentlyAskedQuestions