== Why Trac? == Whilst we planned to use Launchpad as the main development-support tool, we needed to supplement this with a Wiki since LP doesn't include one yet (there are many requests to have this gap filled). We need the Wiki for: * Blueprints development * Developer documentation * User documentation (in time) Trac is an excellent development-support tool with integrated Wiki, Bugtracker & Roadmap/Milestones.[[BR]] The focus of the project at this point in time is one on development, so choosing a Wiki to meet this seems the most appropriate [http://www.klambauer.info/pms.pdf Comparison of Projectmanagement-Software] says "Even missing basic project management features, Trac is probably the best tool for managing software projects of any size. -> Highly Recommended!" Trac can also be used as a general-purpose project management tool (use instead of [http://www.whybasecampsux.org BaseCamp]): * Tasks can be added as Tickets. * Milestones can be put into the Roadmap. * Milestones & Tickets can be displayed in a Calendar view A nice feature of Trac is the integrated Timeline which helps provide a consolidated feed of all current activities in the project.[[BR]] This could be a good basis for a manual newsletter in time but stands-alone well-enough as-is. Trac is extendable: BluePrintTrac Once we get to User documentation, then perhaps we should switch to Dokuwiki, as per the current Sahana ones: * http://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki * http://www.wikimatrix.org/compare/DokuWiki+MoinMoin+TracWiki (Another option could be [http://moinmo.in/HelpOnInstalling/ApacheWithModWSGI MoinMoin] to keep the Python/WSGI infrastructure instead of adding PHP) For developer documentation, we might want to look at [http://sphinx.pocoo.org Sphinx] for storing the mature docs, especially as it's so popular in the Python world. To ease migration, we could start by using [http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html RST] for Trac docs: http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WikiRestructuredText ---- FrequentlyAskedQuestions