[[TOC]] = Installation of GIS Tools on Windows = Suggest these CLI tools for data manipulation: * [http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/win32/1.6/gdalwin32exe160.zip GDAL's ogr2ogr], etc * [http://mpa.itc.it/rs/srtm/srtm_generate_hdr.sh Convert SRTM to GeoTIFF] == PostGIS == * http://www.postgresql.org/download/windows * http://postgis.refractions.net/download/windows/ Alternatively these can be installed as part of [http://opengeo.org/community/suite/download/ OpenGeoSuite] == Java == * [http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/widget/jdk6.jsp Download the JDK] & install it: {{{jdk-6u21-windows-i586.exe}}} * [http://download.java.net/media/jai/builds/release/1_1_3/jai-1_1_3-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe Download the JAI] & install it: {{{jai-1_1_3-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe}}} * [http://download.java.net/media/jai-imageio/builds/release/1.1/jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe Download the JAI ImageI/O] & install it: {{{jai_imageio-1_1-lib-windows-i586-jdk.exe}}} == Apache Tomcat == [http://tomcat.apache.org Tomcat] is the recommended way to deploy Java applications * http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi == WMS/WFS == === [http://geoserver.org GeoServer] === (recommended) * [http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Stable Download GeoServer] & install it: {{{geoserver-2.0.2.exe}}} e.g. included as part of [http://opengeo.org/community/suite/download/ OpenGeoSuite] http://geo.host.domain:8080/geoserver Configure: * http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/production/index.html === [http://mapserver.org MapServer] === * [http://www.tinyows.org TinyOWS] can complement this for WFS-T == Printing == For Printing TMS layers, need to compile the Trunk version of the [http://www.mapfish.org/doc/print/ MapFish Print Module] & then serve the resultant .war with [http://tomcat.apache.org Tomcat]: 1. Ensure that {{{JAVA_HOME}}} points to a JDK. 2. Download & build source (svn can be installed using Cygwin): {{{ svn checkout http://www.mapfish.org/svn/mapfish/print/trunk/ cd trunk ./gradlew build }}} 3. Configure Tomcat ''tbc'' 4. Copy the WAR file to your %WEBAPPS% directory: {{{ copy trunk\build\libs\print-servlet-1.2-SNAPSHOT.war "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps" }}} 5. (re)Start Tomcat 6. Configure the Map URL for Eden to: * http://localhost:8080/print-servlet-1.2-SNAPSHOT/pdf/ 7. Configure %WEBAPPS%\print-servlet-1.2-SNAPSHOT\config.yaml: http://www.mapfish.org/doc/print/configuration.html == !TileCache == * http://tilecache.org * http://oegeo.wordpress.com/2008/03/08/the-5-minute-guide-to-setting-up-tilecache-on-windows/ * Install Python & PIL & pyproj [_imagingft.pyd fails with PIL-1.1.7 (on 64-bit Windows7 anyway), so downgrade] * http://geowebcache.org * e.g. included as part of [http://opengeo.org/community/suite/download/ OpenGeoSuite] ---- [wiki:UserGuidelinesGISData]