[[TOC]] = GIS / Mapping = We make extensive use of GIS in Sahana & could always use more help to enhance our capabilities, including for the current [wiki:PakistanDevelopers#Map Pakistan Response]. == Data == This is the most critical part that we need help with currently - working on import procedures for administrative areas: * [wiki:UserGuidelinesGISData] == Tools == * [wiki:InstallationGuidelinesGISData] == Coding == Back-end Python or front-end !JavaScript (!OpenLayers & !GeoExt): * [wiki:BluePrintGeographicInformationSystems] How to make use of the Mapping engine within other modules: * [wiki:DeveloperGuidelinesGIS] == User Documentation == * [wiki:ConfigurationGuidelines#MappingOptions] * [wiki:UserGuidelinesGIS] --- * http://www.humanitarian.info/humanitarian-gis/