21 | | ||web2py_path || The path to the web2py congaing the Eden app (i.e "/home/web2py")|| |
22 | | ||app : The name of the eden application of whose database needs to be migrated (i.e "eden")|| |
23 | | ||new_table_name || The name of the new table to which the list field needs to migrated|| |
24 | | ||new_list_field || The name of the field in the new table which will hold the content of the list field|| |
25 | | ||list_field_name || The name of the list field in the original table|| |
26 | | ||old_table_id_field || The name of the id field in the original table|| |
27 | | ||old_table || The name of the original table|| |
| 21 | ||web2py_path ||The path to the web2py congaing the Eden app (i.e "/home/web2py")|| |
| 22 | ||app ||The name of the eden application of whose database needs to be migrated (i.e "eden")|| |
| 23 | ||new_table_name ||The name of the new table to which the list field needs to migrated|| |
| 24 | ||new_list_field ||The name of the field in the new table which will hold the content of the list field|| |
| 25 | ||list_field_name ||The name of the list field in the original table|| |
| 26 | ||old_table_id_field ||The name of the id field in the original table|| |
| 27 | ||old_table ||The name of the original table|| |