Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of GSOC2012/DatabaseMigration/Userguildlines

08/16/12 14:22:08 (12 years ago)



  • GSOC2012/DatabaseMigration/Userguildlines

    v5 v6  
    66Methods in migration_scripts file
    7 === list_field_to_reference ===
    8 ==== Purpose ====
     7=== migrating_to_unique_field ===
     8==== Purpose of the migration====
    10 ==== Example ====
     11==== Method of Calling ====
     13import migration_scripts
     17==== Description of arguments ====
     18||= Argument =||= Description =||
     19||web2py_path ||The path to the web2py congaing the Eden app  (i.e "/home/web2py")||
     20||app ||The name of the eden application of whose database needs to be migrated (i.e "eden")||
     21||field_to_update ||The name of the new table to which the list field needs to migrated||
     22||changed_table ||The name of the original table||
     25=== migration_renaming_field ===
     26==== Purpose of the migration====
     28==== Method of Calling ====
     30import migration_scripts
     31migration_scripts.migration_renaming_field(web2py_path, app, old_table, old_field_name , new_field_name ,attributes_to_copy)
     34==== Description of arguments ====
     35||= Argument =||= Description =||
     36||web2py_path ||The path to the web2py congaing the Eden app  (i.e "/home/web2py")||
     37||app ||The name of the eden application of whose database needs to be migrated (i.e "eden")||
     38||old_table ||The name of the original table||
     39||old_field_name ||The name of the field in the new table which will hold the content of the list field||
     40||new_field_name ||The name of the list field in the original table||
     41||attributes_to_copy ||The name of the id field in the original table||
     44=== migration_renaming_table(web2py_path, app ,old_table_name,new_table_name) ===
     45==== Purpose of the migration====
     47==== Example of the migration ====
    2663||old_table_id_field ||The name of the id field in the original table||
    2764||old_table ||The name of the original table||
     67=== list_field_to_reference ===
     68==== Purpose of the migration====
     70==== Example of the migration ====
     73==== Method of Calling ====
     75import migration_scripts
     76migration_scripts.list_field_to_reference(web2py_path,app,new_table_name , new_list_field , list_field_name , old_table_id_field , old_table)
     79==== Description of arguments ====
     80||= Argument =||= Description =||
     81||web2py_path ||The path to the web2py congaing the Eden app  (i.e "/home/web2py")||
     82||app ||The name of the eden application of whose database needs to be migrated (i.e "eden")||
     83||new_table_name ||The name of the new table to which the list field needs to migrated||
     84||new_list_field ||The name of the field in the new table which will hold the content of the list field||
     85||list_field_name ||The name of the list field in the original table||
     86||old_table_id_field ||The name of the id field in the original table||
     87||old_table ||The name of the original table||