= Haiti Emergency Response: 2010 Earthquake = Background: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Haiti_earthquake * Instances: * Prod: http://haiti.sahanafoundation.org * Dev: http://haiti-orgsdev.sahanafoundation.org/ Code: * Branch: https://code.launchpad.net/sahana/haiti-quake-2010 {{{ bzr branch lp:sahana/haiti-quake-2010 haiti }}} * If you are getting a "Invalid Request" error when you try to run the application, try renaming the folder to "haiti" (no hyphen) and retrying: We have 4 development strands: * Organisation Registry (Who, What, Where) * Requirements/Blueprint: BluePrintOrganisationRegistry * HaitiOrgsToDo * Request Management System * Requirements: http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php/haiti:requirements#request_management_system * [wiki:HaitiRMSToDo HaitiRMSToDo] * GIS * [wiki:HaitiGISToDo HaitiGISToDo] * Missing Persons Registry: * Requirements: http://wiki.sahana.lk/doku.php/haiti:requirements * [wiki:HaitiMPRToDo HaitiMPRToDo] * Cross-merging the French localisation * http://pub.nursix.org/sahana/locale/fr_FR/sahana.po Work is being coordinated via [http://www.sahana.lk/chat IRC Chat]. Speak to lifeeth, flavour, michaelhowden, nursix, mprutsalis, bitnerd, chamindra, ajuonline Team: * https://launchpad.net/sahana/haiti-quake-2010