
Version 2 (modified by Fran Boon, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Getting Data added to the Haiti Organisation Registry

  1. Check that the data isn't already listed:

To add an organization working in Haiti to the registry, please send an e-mail to: haiti-orgs at googlegroups dot com with the following information: Organization Full Name and any Acronym, Type of Organization (i.e. government, international NGO, private sector company, etc.), what sectors you are working in and your website.

Sectors should fit one or more of the following: Agriculture; Shelter and Non-Food Items; Coordination and Support Services; Food; Infrastructure and Rehabilitation; Security; Water and Sanitation; Education; Health; Protection and Human Rights and Rule of Law; andUrban Search and Rescue

Also please include your office locations (where you are working in Haiti) - where they are located (street address and/or GPS coordinates if known) and what is the name of the office (if any) and any contact information (name, e-mail address, phone numbers).

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.