[wiki:Haiti Haiti] ---- == Haiti GIS == bitnerd & flavour coordinating * Provide admin UI for feature_to_feature_group, feature_class_to_feature_group, etc * {{{controllers/gis.py}}} & {{{views/gis/...}}} * Features are stored in the table gis_location * Feature Classes are types of Feature & determine their Marker (Icon): gis_feature_class * Feature Groups are collections of Features & Feature Groups & determine whether they appear as a separate layer on the Map to be enabled/disabled: gis_feature_group * There are Many-to-Many tables linking these together (defined in {{{models/03_gis.py}}}) * There are basic Controller functions for editing these resources, however they aren't fully-exposed to users (need to type URL manually) * We want nice User interface for these & menus (menus for GIS need some wider cleanup work anyway) * KML Export * Include Marker? * Polygon support (currently uses Centroid) * Provide UI to access per-featuregroup feeds: * http://localhost:8000/sahana/gis/location.kml?feature_class=Shelter * http://localhost:8000/sahana/gis/location.kml?feature_class=Shel% * GeoRSS Export * Polygon support (currently uses Centroid) * Provide UI to access per-featuregroup feeds * GPX Export * Provide UI to access per-featuregroup feeds * Separate out the Internal Features from External Features in !LayerSwitcher ([http://geoext.org/tutorials/layertree-tutorial.html#filtering GeoExt] skills) * {{{views/gis/map_viewing_client.html}}} +68 * Popups for KML/GeoRSS overlays (works in Chrome & IE8, but not FF) * {{{views/gis/ol_layers_georss.js}}} * {{{views/gis/ol_layers_kml.js}}} * {{{views/gis/ol_controls_features.js}}} * {{{views/gis/ol_layers_feature.js}}} * {{{views/gis/ol_layers_features.js}}} * {{{views/gis/ol_layers_features_all.js}}} * {{{views/gis/toolbar.js}}} {{{ so two selectfeature controls don't work they work in safari because safari fails at SVG so you need to fix your code specifically, what you should do is: 1. Change from "OnFeatureSelect" on the control to registereing for the "Featureselected" Event on the layer (The API is a bit different; featureselected event functions get an 'evt' object that has a .feature property you can access) 2. Create a single SelectFeature control with multiple layers: new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([layer1, layer2]); We already do 2. within KML/GeoRSS/Internal Features, so what we need is a single one for all 3 types: good copy I'd seen 1. in some examples yeah it's the more recent style the 'onfeatureselect' stuff is old and busted because it wasn't well thought out http://hypercube.telascience.org/haiti/uav.html there's a reasonably concise example there as well as http://docs.openlayers.org/library/overlays.html#interaction }}} * [http://dev.openlayers.org/releases/OpenLayers-2.8/doc/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Layer/XYZ-js.html XYZ Layers] * Unzip KMZ layers * WMS Caps Browser * Image layers * KML Import * GeoRSS Import * Load GIS data * Polygons for PaP neighborhoods from https://www.geoint-online.net/community/haitiearthquake/Geospatial%20Data%20Files/Forms/AllItems.aspx * Administratrive Areas (3 levels) * [https://www.geoint-online.net/community/haitiearthquake/Geospatial%20Data%20Files/haiti_departments01132010.zip Departments] * [https://www.geoint-online.net/community/haitiearthquake/Geospatial%20Data%20Files/haiti_communes_01132010.zip Communes] * [https://www.geoint-online.net/community/haitiearthquake/Geospatial%20Data%20Files/haiti_sections_01132010.zip Sections] * Shapefile to WKT (for calculations): {{{ogr2ogr -f CSV haiti_departments Haiti_departementes_edited_01132010.shp -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT}}} (OGR 1.6+) * WMS for display on Map (large Vectors will slow browsers to a crawl): http://haiti.opensgi.net/geoserver/ows?service=wms&version=1.1.1&request=GetCapabilities * Populations * Shapefiles https://www.geoint-online.net/community/haitiearthquake/Geospatial%20Data%20Files/2003_Haiti_pop_estimates.zip * WFS (ortelius): http://haiti.opensgi.net/geoserver/ows?service=wfs&version=1.1.0&request=GetCapabilities * TMS/WMS layers for new imagery: * http://hypercube.telascience.org/haiti/uav.html * http://haiti.opensgi.net/styler/index.html * [http://google-latlong.blogspot.com/2010/01/haiti-imagery-layer-now-available.html GeoEye] * http://www.geonames.org/search.html?q=&country=HT * http://www.fallingrain.com/world/HA/ ---- [wiki:Haiti Haiti]